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How much fire resistance is needed as a vampire?

First of all: I don't know how the elemental resistances are working in this game.
As a vampire you get an extra +50% damage from fire element. And you can have fire resistance glyphs for the accessory. For an example I have two of them for +1100 fire resistance each.

My question now is: how much resistance is needed to nearly compensate the +50% damage?
Would be great if anyone knows that :)
  • ChampionSheWolf
    You will never compensate for it fully. The cap will get you first. You will always be taking extra damage, but you can negate it down with fire resistance gear and some decent planning.
    Harbinger of The Black Wolves.
    Member of Grindstone.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Tyra Ravenheim - Templar (newly rerolled)
  • Andy22
    My question now is: how much resistance is needed to nearly compensate the +50% damage?
    Would be great if anyone knows that :)

    U simply can't, this means a comparable player will always take 30-50% less fire damage than u as a vamp.

    The misconception seems to come from an early assumption that spell resistance and elemental aka fire resistance work on top of each-other, which would have allowed u to get to 25%.

    It was conclusively tested that spell resistance and elemental resistance are combined and than hit the same soft/hard caps. The only advantage is that specific elemental resistance gear has twice the resist values, so its easier to soft/hardcap in a particular type, compared to use generic SR gear.

    So basically u try to reach around 40-45% fire mitigation, this can be achieved at around 2000-2400 SR or a combination of fire+SR.

    In practical terms this means, if u know u will get lots of fire ae damage on a boss and two players each equip just one purple fire resist ring, the vamp player will always still get 50% more fire damage, since both players hit the FR cap this way.

    It was also noted that some "fire attacks" are physical and go against your armor and not your SR/FR. I did not test this myself, so i can't confirm if this is true.
    Edited by Andy22 on May 5, 2014 6:29PM
  • IvoryFox
    Oh, ok. Thanks, that was pretty informative :)
  • Llokii_x
    Soul Shriven
    is there a place in game (character screen?) that shows you what your SR or Fire resist % is?
  • Squishy
    I think just over 9000 should do it :)

    But seriously, nope, the damage receive is so much greater, you can barely make a dent against it :(. Even in mist form, you take some serious fire pounding.
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • kewl
    @Andy22‌ Awesome post. Thanks for the info.
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