zittylolb14_ESO wrote: »Why stick with the lame-rate of Vampire spawns just because you want to make it a very hard thing to achieve.
When trying to convince others of your position it's best not to justify theirs.zittylolb14_ESO wrote: »Why stick with the lame-rate of Vampire spawns just because you want to make it a very hard thing to achieve?
Wait -- so there are non-paying subscribers playing this game? Why should ZOS care what "other ppl" (i.e, non-paying people) want? Also, I know many paying subscribers who are fine with the rates.Your paying subscribers and other ppl want higher vampire spawning rates.
Yes, because all caps and poor spelling have been proven effective in decades of internet communication.LET ME SPELL IT OUT....HIGER VAMPIRE SPAWNS....!!!!
Griefing is not a reason to change a game mechanic, it's a reason to report and prevent griefing.And with gold-bite sellers killing Bloodfiends so they can keep their monopoly on spawns...
Oh, so you're a dev? Have you been shouting at yourself or at your colleagues?So maybe as a DEV I should listen to my paying subscriber and not the lame-macho-idiot idea....
YES it is a dogmatic pov to NOT...NOT...NOT....listen to your paying subscribers.
Blackhorne wrote: »When trying to convince others of your position it's best not to justify theirs.zittylolb14_ESO wrote: »Why stick with the lame-rate of Vampire spawns just because you want to make it a very hard thing to achieve?Wait -- so there are non-paying subscribers playing this game? Why should ZOS care what "other ppl" (i.e, non-paying people) want? Also, I know many paying subscribers who are fine with the rates.Your paying subscribers and other ppl want higher vampire spawning rates.Yes, because all caps and poor spelling have been proven effective in decades of internet communication.LET ME SPELL IT OUT....HIGER VAMPIRE SPAWNS....!!!!Griefing is not a reason to change a game mechanic, it's a reason to report and prevent griefing.And with gold-bite sellers killing Bloodfiends so they can keep their monopoly on spawns...Oh, so you're a dev? Have you been shouting at yourself or at your colleagues?So maybe as a DEV I should listen to my paying subscriber and not the lame-macho-idiot idea....YES it is a dogmatic pov to NOT...NOT...NOT....listen to your paying subscribers.
Okay, breathe.
Now let the hormones subside and clear your head. Come up with some (3-7) good logical reasons to increase vampire spawn rates. Collate them and write them up. Edit and rewrite until your opinion piece is clear, concise, and polite. Make sure you don't have any unfounded insults toward the very people you're attempting to convince.
Then post it here. That is what the devs will listen to.
Bryong9ub17_ESO wrote: »No. Please don't increase the spawn rate. There are already way to many vampires walking around. I already cured myself from being a vampire for the simple fact that everyone already is one. Its simply not fun when everyone in the game is a vampire or werewolf. Everyone wants things handed to them now a days. Nothing is considered rare anymore. Stop being lazy and try working for something for a change.
Seriously, get some new material - this Twilight nonsense is a no-go.Bryong9ub17_ESO wrote: »No. Please don't increase the spawn rate. There are already way to many vampires walking around. I already cured myself from being a vampire for the simple fact that everyone already is one. Its simply not fun when everyone in the game is a vampire or werewolf. Everyone wants things handed to them now a days. Nothing is considered rare anymore. Stop being lazy and try working for something for a change.
Yeah they should name rename it to Twilight Online!
rawne1980b16_ESO wrote: »Yay just what we need ..... more vampires.
Because there isn't enough of them already.
Never, not once, have I seen anywhere in Elder Scrolls lore about the vampire apocalypse ...... yet it seems to be happening.
Perhaps even Elder Scrolls historians facepalmed so hard they knocked that shameful memory from their heads.
A bit off topic.....
Someone was having a joke around in Cyrodiil chat and mentioned Skeever bites for fun....
Make it happen.
Forget vampires i'll bite their ankles.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Wish bethesda had info on how many of their player became a vampire along the ES franchise , then people would understand the reason they see so many vampires around.
rawne1980b16_ESO wrote: »Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Wish bethesda had info on how many of their player became a vampire along the ES franchise , then people would understand the reason they see so many vampires around.
I'd be quite happy if it was just the people that played a vampire in other Elder Scrolls games.
But it's not.
People are going vamp because certain talents are so broken it's laughable.
Vampires should be hard to obtain. I wish they just held off the whole Vampire thing until it was done properly, and by that I mean making it so they take dmg, or reduced HP in sunlight, have their own keeps to hangout out in, can be attacked on sight by NPCs and players alike if at stage 4 and cannot enter cities without being attacked on sight, have their own quest area etc... so they can still level to compensate for the AoS thing.
Are more powerful at night but weak during the day, would be great for the PvP. As it is now, it breaks lore and is poorly implemented IMO.
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »No one cared in Skyrim or other TES games that you were a vampire
Asking for a vampire to take sun dmg like in Morrowind would be really stupid. the HP regen decrease is bad enough, as for vamps being AoS that would not work due to having to write a WHOLE new lvling path from lvl 7 (the lowest lvl i have seen a vamp quest done) all the way to vet 10...that's just..no.
zittylolb14_ESO wrote: »
DakotaCoty wrote: »zittylolb14_ESO wrote: »
Anyone else find it funny that he spelt 'higher' incorrectly? 0.o
Then i missread your post, in MW being a vamp was..well damn near impossible due to not being able to go outside in the sun. do that on ESO and well..the game would not be playable. I played from lvl 1 to end game on MW as a vamp i used console to give my self vamp then ran the game. it took me 5 weeks longer due to the constant waiting..and more deaths then i wish to remember.rawne1980b16_ESO wrote: »Asking for a vampire to take sun dmg like in Morrowind would be really stupid. the HP regen decrease is bad enough, as for vamps being AoS that would not work due to having to write a WHOLE new lvling path from lvl 7 (the lowest lvl i have seen a vamp quest done) all the way to vet 10...that's just..no.
Oh, i'm not asking for anything like that ... i'm not even asking for nerfs.
I just see people say vamps never had much of a downside when in some Elder Scrolls games they had it quite tough.
Anyone that played through Morrowind as a vamp I tip my hat to. I never did, although the whole vamp thing has never appealed to me.
The only reason I went werewolf in Skyrim was due to the Companion chain or I wouldn't have bothered there either.