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Vampire Re-Spawn rates are LAME!!

In two days I have spent more than 4 hours waiting for a Vampire spawn. Werewolf spawns are suppose to be at full moon. Yet they are not. Why stick with the lame-rate of Vampire spawns just because you want to make it a very hard thing to achieve.........???????????????????????????????????

I hate that lame Macho-idiot logic of Harder is better....the only real place for that logic is with your little head....the one on your shoulder should tell you that.....

Your paying subscribers and other ppl want higher vampire spawning rates.


And with gold-bite sellers killing Bloodfiends so they can keep their monopoly on need more vampire spawning spots and not just one spawn in that one spot..the whole night..and everyday spawns like WW spawns.

So maybe as a DEV I should listen to my paying subscriber and not the lame-macho-idiot idea....YES it is a dogmatic pov to NOT...NOT...NOT....listen to your paying subscribers.
  • AlienSlof
    In a calmer manner, I second this. I have been trying for WEEKS to find a spawn and all that time, I've seen nothing.

    I've played the ES games as a vampire, and I'd like to play this game as one too.

    Also, why the high level quest required? In Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, I've been vampire from level 1. Why all of a sudden the high level requirement?
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • mips_winnt
    Why stick with the lame-rate of Vampire spawns just because you want to make it a very hard thing to achieve.

    Unfortunately it's not a "very hard" thing to achieve in fact it's so simple that it's not an "achievement" at all. That's why everyone and their brother is playing a vampire.

    If ZOS wanted to make it an "achievement" then they would have made it something that takes a great deal of time & effort to get, something that would engender a sense of satisfaction in the player for earning. Instead they've created a trivial FOTM, frankly vampires remind me of what we used call all the Legolas wannabe Night Elf Hunters in WoW.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Sorry mate , but you are just another sub.

    Everyone else here , is pretty much worth the same you are , we are all people that pay for this game sub/month just like you.

    The "Macho-idiot" in here that says he likes this , is actually also a paying customer , and you are in noway more relevant then him.

    With that said , even if im already a vampire , i do remember how hard was to become one , they could decrease the cd a bit.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Blackhorne
    Why stick with the lame-rate of Vampire spawns just because you want to make it a very hard thing to achieve?
    When trying to convince others of your position it's best not to justify theirs.
    Your paying subscribers and other ppl want higher vampire spawning rates.
    Wait -- so there are non-paying subscribers playing this game? Why should ZOS care what "other ppl" (i.e, non-paying people) want? Also, I know many paying subscribers who are fine with the rates.
    Yes, because all caps and poor spelling have been proven effective in decades of internet communication.
    And with gold-bite sellers killing Bloodfiends so they can keep their monopoly on spawns...
    Griefing is not a reason to change a game mechanic, it's a reason to report and prevent griefing.
    So maybe as a DEV I should listen to my paying subscriber and not the lame-macho-idiot idea....
    Oh, so you're a dev? Have you been shouting at yourself or at your colleagues?
    YES it is a dogmatic pov to NOT...NOT...NOT....listen to your paying subscribers.

    Okay, breathe.

    Now let the hormones subside and clear your head. Come up with some (3-7) good logical reasons to increase vampire spawn rates. Collate them and write them up. Edit and rewrite until your opinion piece is clear, concise, and polite. Make sure you don't have any unfounded insults toward the very people you're attempting to convince.

    Then post it here. That is what the devs will listen to.
  • Melian
    It's not hard to get vampirism. If anything, it's way too easy.

    Incidentally, I have a vamp that can bite, but I wouldn't bite you, because I don't like your attitude. What's a game without any challenges? Where's the fun in that?
  • pokebreaker
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Why stick with the lame-rate of Vampire spawns just because you want to make it a very hard thing to achieve?
    When trying to convince others of your position it's best not to justify theirs.
    Your paying subscribers and other ppl want higher vampire spawning rates.
    Wait -- so there are non-paying subscribers playing this game? Why should ZOS care what "other ppl" (i.e, non-paying people) want? Also, I know many paying subscribers who are fine with the rates.
    Yes, because all caps and poor spelling have been proven effective in decades of internet communication.
    And with gold-bite sellers killing Bloodfiends so they can keep their monopoly on spawns...
    Griefing is not a reason to change a game mechanic, it's a reason to report and prevent griefing.
    So maybe as a DEV I should listen to my paying subscriber and not the lame-macho-idiot idea....
    Oh, so you're a dev? Have you been shouting at yourself or at your colleagues?
    YES it is a dogmatic pov to NOT...NOT...NOT....listen to your paying subscribers.

    Okay, breathe.

    Now let the hormones subside and clear your head. Come up with some (3-7) good logical reasons to increase vampire spawn rates. Collate them and write them up. Edit and rewrite until your opinion piece is clear, concise, and polite. Make sure you don't have any unfounded insults toward the very people you're attempting to convince.

    Then post it here. That is what the devs will listen to.


    I was thinking the same thing, but luckily didn't have to type it out, because you hit everything I would have said as well.

    I think Devs may have made a mistake combining PvP, PvE, and RP minded players into one server together. Not that any is better than the other, just the mindsets can be so different, that when combined together, it doesn't mesh very well.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Yay just what we need ..... more vampires.

    Because there isn't enough of them already.

    Never, not once, have I seen anywhere in Elder Scrolls lore about the vampire apocalypse ...... yet it seems to be happening.

    Perhaps even Elder Scrolls historians facepalmed so hard they knocked that shameful memory from their heads.

    A bit off topic.....

    Someone was having a joke around in Cyrodiil chat and mentioned Skeever bites for fun....


    Make it happen.

    Forget vampires i'll bite their ankles.
  • Bryong9ub17_ESO
    No. Please don't increase the spawn rate. There are already way to many vampires walking around. I already cured myself from being a vampire for the simple fact that everyone already is one. Its simply not fun when everyone in the game is a vampire or werewolf. Everyone wants things handed to them now a days. Nothing is considered rare anymore. Stop being lazy and try working for something for a change.
  • Loxy37
    No. Please don't increase the spawn rate. There are already way to many vampires walking around. I already cured myself from being a vampire for the simple fact that everyone already is one. Its simply not fun when everyone in the game is a vampire or werewolf. Everyone wants things handed to them now a days. Nothing is considered rare anymore. Stop being lazy and try working for something for a change.

    Yeah they should name rename it to Twilight Online!
  • Wolfshead
    Will OP if so much want to be vampire you can just pay for it i have see many people sell it in zone channel but for me it would be much cool to found by myself the pay for it but then again my whole world wont get destroy if i dont get bite by vampire.
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • WraithAzraiel
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    No. Please don't increase the spawn rate. There are already way to many vampires walking around. I already cured myself from being a vampire for the simple fact that everyone already is one. Its simply not fun when everyone in the game is a vampire or werewolf. Everyone wants things handed to them now a days. Nothing is considered rare anymore. Stop being lazy and try working for something for a change.

    Yeah they should name rename it to Twilight Online!
    Seriously, get some new material - this Twilight nonsense is a no-go.

    Also, at ease the macho-idiot garbage and learn some patience.

    Just because the whiners been given everything right when they want it their whole life and got trophies just for showing up, doesn't mean anyone has to cater to your wants and needs and wait on you hand and foot just because you decided to angrily join their ranks.

    Learn to troubleshoot instead of pasting an angry forum post about how YOU believe things should be done.

    Now, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you don't get paid by anyone to make video games better purely with your opinion and input.

    If people are spawn camping, try diligently to find another spawn.

    If vampires aren't spawning often enough for you, get bitten by a player. But don't think they're scammers just because they're charging you gold. You're paying for a service of convenience. If you don't want to have the patience and drive to get it yourself for free from the Bloodfiend spawns, expect to pay. Something for nothing is a no-go.

    If you don't WANT to pay but don't want to put forth the time and effort still, join a guild that offers bites to members for free. They exist. But be aware, there will likely be a waiting period to make sure you're not going to be flaky and ditch the guild as soon as you get what you wanted. As that's just poor form.

    I wish you well in your endeavors.
    Edited by WraithAzraiel on May 5, 2014 5:38AM
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Mortelus
    Vampires should be hard to obtain. I wish they just held off the whole Vampire thing until it was done properly, and by that I mean making it so they take dmg, or reduced HP in sunlight, have their own keeps to hangout out in, can be attacked on sight by NPCs and players alike if at stage 4 and cannot enter cities without being attacked on sight, have their own quest area etc... so they can still level to compensate for the AoS thing.

    Are more powerful at night but weak during the day, would be great for the PvP. As it is now, it breaks lore and is poorly implemented IMO.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Creepsley
    well i think its lame too, that its so EASY to become a vampire or werewolf.
    vampire and werewolf in my opinion should be something that was maybe endgame goal or really hard to get so that it was something special.
    now its pay this guy get bitten do a lvl 40 quest at lvl 13 with some kiting.
    and have a easy way to scam the poor noobs :P
  • PBpsy
    I think that it is lame that if you go on a thread talking about VR nightblade you will find only people talking about vampire builds that also sometimes include some NB ***.
    Edited by PBpsy on May 5, 2014 6:31AM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • jircris11
    i waited since day 2 of 5 day early release and just got a vamp bite a week ago lol
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yay just what we need ..... more vampires.

    Because there isn't enough of them already.

    Never, not once, have I seen anywhere in Elder Scrolls lore about the vampire apocalypse ...... yet it seems to be happening.

    Perhaps even Elder Scrolls historians facepalmed so hard they knocked that shameful memory from their heads.

    A bit off topic.....

    Someone was having a joke around in Cyrodiil chat and mentioned Skeever bites for fun....


    Make it happen.

    Forget vampires i'll bite their ankles.

    That is because , never before , you had a vanilla multiplayer ES game.

    Wish bethesda had info on how many of their player became a vampire along the ES franchise , then people would understand the reason they see so many vampires around.

    I have always played a vampire in ES games , usually i play an assassin/mage/vampire. Every single time.

    So yeah , i became a vampire again , what a surprise right?
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Wish bethesda had info on how many of their player became a vampire along the ES franchise , then people would understand the reason they see so many vampires around.

    I'd be quite happy if it was just the people that played a vampire in other Elder Scrolls games.

    But it's not.

    People are going vamp because certain talents are so broken it's laughable.
  • Keffertjes
    Wish bethesda had info on how many of their player became a vampire along the ES franchise , then people would understand the reason they see so many vampires around.

    I'd be quite happy if it was just the people that played a vampire in other Elder Scrolls games.

    But it's not.

    People are going vamp because certain talents are so broken it's laughable.

    Exactly its not broken its TOTTALY BROKEN.

    For the op your are a lil *** i got bitten by a vampire 2 weeks ago with out even knowing it xD

    So far how i see it in ESO Duping,exploiting its al normal and it seems to even be allowed since the dupers and exploiters are stil here
  • wayfarerb14_ESO
    Here's something that might make it easier to find: the moon cycles have nothing to do with the spawns. I don't know how the rumor got started, but it is not true. I got bit when it was a half moon.

    Check zone chat- people usually announce when the spawns are up.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Mortelus wrote: »
    Vampires should be hard to obtain. I wish they just held off the whole Vampire thing until it was done properly, and by that I mean making it so they take dmg, or reduced HP in sunlight, have their own keeps to hangout out in, can be attacked on sight by NPCs and players alike if at stage 4 and cannot enter cities without being attacked on sight, have their own quest area etc... so they can still level to compensate for the AoS thing.

    Are more powerful at night but weak during the day, would be great for the PvP. As it is now, it breaks lore and is poorly implemented IMO.

    Breaks lore Presented by Vampire drama's such as Twilight... No one cared in Skyrim or other TES games that you were a vampire (unless you bit people in public), why should they fret in TESO? No need for change to fit stupid TV dramas.

    And yes, there ARE NPC vampires in-game that also do not get hated on, because they don't do things that cause them to get hated on like most vampires like to do. That is how it goes in this game and the other ones.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 8, 2014 12:13AM
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    No one cared in Skyrim or other TES games that you were a vampire

    Not in Skyrim they didn't but you go play Morrowind or Oblivion and wander around a town in the sun.

    In Morrowind you get shunned, towns folk try to kill you and means of travel are limited as boatmen and Siltstriders won't take you.

    You also take sun damage and don't regenerate health by sleeping.

    In Oblivion you still take sun damage but people don't actively try and kill you. But guards won't accept yields at stage 4 vampirism.

    You also couldn't fast travel during the day or "wait".
  • Chomppa
    In Bangkorai , there are at least 5 spawn areas and they tend to spawn like crazy when they spawn . With the subs comming up , I have experienced less and less vampire killing when they spawn so you should have a higher chance of getting bit .
    :):D:(;):\:o:s:p:'(:|B):#o:)<3 (*) >:)
  • jircris11
    Asking for a vampire to take sun dmg like in Morrowind would be really stupid. the HP regen decrease is bad enough, as for vamps being AoS that would not work due to having to write a WHOLE new lvling path from lvl 7 (the lowest lvl i have seen a vamp quest done) all the way to vet 10...that's
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Chryos
    You sure your looking in the right spot? There are more than one place they can spawn, but only at a given time and in only one of the spots at a time. These are rare spawns. I spent a whole day camping with my guild, we worked together, and thats how we do.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    jircris11 wrote: »
    Asking for a vampire to take sun dmg like in Morrowind would be really stupid. the HP regen decrease is bad enough, as for vamps being AoS that would not work due to having to write a WHOLE new lvling path from lvl 7 (the lowest lvl i have seen a vamp quest done) all the way to vet 10...that's

    Oh, i'm not asking for anything like that ... i'm not even asking for nerfs.

    I just see people say vamps never had much of a downside when in some Elder Scrolls games they had it quite tough.

    Anyone that played through Morrowind as a vamp I tip my hat to. I never did, although the whole vamp thing has never appealed to me.

    The only reason I went werewolf in Skyrim was due to the Companion chain or I wouldn't have bothered there either.
  • DakotaCoty


    Anyone else find it funny that he spelt 'higher' incorrectly? 0.o
    EU player
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    DakotaCoty wrote: »


    Anyone else find it funny that he spelt 'higher' incorrectly? 0.o

    If he wants HIGER vampire spawns then that's what he shall have.

    He demands it.

    He did spell it out in caps after all.
    Edited by rawne1980b16_ESO on May 8, 2014 1:57AM
  • jircris11
    jircris11 wrote: »
    Asking for a vampire to take sun dmg like in Morrowind would be really stupid. the HP regen decrease is bad enough, as for vamps being AoS that would not work due to having to write a WHOLE new lvling path from lvl 7 (the lowest lvl i have seen a vamp quest done) all the way to vet 10...that's

    Oh, i'm not asking for anything like that ... i'm not even asking for nerfs.

    I just see people say vamps never had much of a downside when in some Elder Scrolls games they had it quite tough.

    Anyone that played through Morrowind as a vamp I tip my hat to. I never did, although the whole vamp thing has never appealed to me.

    The only reason I went werewolf in Skyrim was due to the Companion chain or I wouldn't have bothered there either.
    Then i missread your post, in MW being a vamp was..well damn near impossible due to not being able to go outside in the sun. do that on ESO and well..the game would not be playable. I played from lvl 1 to end game on MW as a vamp i used console to give my self vamp then ran the game. it took me 5 weeks longer due to the constant waiting..and more deaths then i wish to remember.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • 7788b14_ESO
    There wouldn't be so many Vamps if werewolf had ben fixed, it's broken to hell.
  • LIQUID741
    In other news. Just completed the Vamp quest on my alt at lvl 15. Took me 45min. But wasn't that bad. /High Five to my forum friends!
    Solid-Nightblade of AD
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