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PS4 controller with Xpadder for ESO

Soul Shriven
Thank you for reading this post about using a ps4 controller on the pc version of The Elder Scrolls Online with Xpadder,

first thing,

have xpadder, a ps4 controller and a copy of the elder scrolls online for pc,

then configure a profile on xpadder,

( I am assuming you already have all of the above and know how to use xpadder )

also, i have switched most of the controls to different buttons, this is what i did:



move forward = up
move backward = down
toggle walk/run = Not Bound
move left = left
move right = right
jump = 3
autorun = V
roll dodge = 2
toggle mount = H


attack = LMB
block = RMB
sprint = Shift
crouch = Ctrl
interrupt = LMB + RMB
use synergy = Space
weapon swap = S
ability 1 = D
ability 2 = A
ability 3 = O
ability 4 = L
ability 5 = R
ultimate = U
quickslot = Q
sheathe/unsheathe = 1
command pet = P

(TARGETING) and (CAMERA) are the default


interact with environment = X
interact with player = F


toggle fullscreen mode = alt-enter
toggle screenshot = sys req
start chat = enter
start chat slash = /
reply to whisper = W
UI on/off = not bound
character windows = alt
crown store = ;
inventory = I
character = C
skills = K
champion is =
Journal = J
collections = Y
map = M
group = B
contacts = Z
guilds = G
alliance war = [
mail = '
notifications = N
help = F1
system = esc
cycle focused quest = T
first/third person = ,
toggle in-game cursor = .


primary action/accept = X
secondary action = D
tertiary action = A
decline/negative/abandon action = E
report a player = F1
view quickslots (from inventory) = Q
show on map (from quest journal) = M
cycle focused quest (from quest journa) = T


fire siege weapon = LMB
exit siege weapon = O
stow siege weapon = D


primary dialog action = X
secondary dialog action = D
negative/decline dialog action = O
close dialog = esc


accept notification = X
decline notification = O


some or most of these controls do not have to be changed,
this is all personal preference.
( It makes it so the onscreen button prompts feel like a controller )


( d-pad down = Nothing ) which is my "switch to set 2 while being held" button
( in Xpadder, right click on the white square on d-pad down (which has nothing), then: set selector, selects set 2, while being held )

this is what it's like on the controller in Xpadder:

((( regular )))

square = D
X = 3
circle = O
triangle = A

d-pad left = 1
d-pad right = T
d-pad up = Q

share button = U
playstation button = 2
options button = Esc

R2 = LMB
L2 = RMB
R1 = R
L1 = L

R3 = Ctrl
L3 = Shift (toggle is on)

touchpad button = M

d-pad down = nothing (set selector)

left stick - left = arrow left
left stick - down = arrow down
left stick - right = arrow right
left stick -up = arrow up

right stick - left = mouse move left
right stick - down = mouse move down
right stick - right = mouse move right
right stick - up = mouse move up


square = S
X = X
circle = H
triangle = Space

d-pad left = nothing
d-pad right = nothing
d-pad up = nothing

share button = nothing
playstation button = J
options button = F (toggle is on)

R2 = mouse wheel up (turbo is on)
L2 = mouse wheel down (turbo is on)
L1 = ,

R3 = V
L3 = .

touchpad button = I

d-pad down = nothing (set selector)

left stick - left = nothing
left stick - down = nothing
left stick - right = nothing
left stick -up = nothing

right stick - left = mouse move left
right stick - down = mouse move down
right stick - right = mouse move right
right stick - up = mouse move up


if you right click the little circle with a wrench by the LEFT STICK, select settings, the deadzone is 25% and the diagonal size is 45.

if you right click the little circle with a wrench by the RIGHT STICK, select settings, the deadzone is 15% and the diagonal size is 45.

if you right click the little circle with a wrench by the RIGHT STICK, select mouse settings, the horizontal and vertical are both set to 75.

you have to do this for both set 1 and set 2.


this is what it's like on the controller while playing:

((( regular )))

square = ability 1
triangle = ability 2
circle = ability 3
L1 = ability 4
R1 = ability 5
X = jump

d-pad left = sheathe/unsheathe weapon
d-pad up = quickslot
d-pad right = cycle focused quest

share button = ultimate
playstation button = roll dodge (turned off double tap)
options button = esc

R2 = attack
L2 = block

R3 = sneak
L3 = sprint (toggle is on)

touchpad button = map

left stick - left = move left
left stick - down = move backward
left stick - right = move right
left stick -up = move forward

right stick - left = look left
right stick - down = look down
right stick - right = look right
right stick - up = look up

((( WHILE HOLDING d-pad down )))

square = weapon swap
triangle = use synergy
circle = toggle mount
L1 = toggle 1st / 3rd person view
R1 = cycle preferred target
X = interact with environment

d-pad left = nothing
d-pad up = nothing
d-pad right = nothing

share button = nothing
playstation button = Journal
options button = interact with player (toggle is on)

R2 = zoom in
L2 = zoom out

R3 = auto run
L3 = toggle mouse cursor

touchpad button = inventory

left stick - left = nothing
left stick - down = nothing
left stick - right = nothing
left stick -up = nothing

right stick - left = look left
right stick - down = look down
right stick - right = look right
right stick - up = look up


this is a very smooth controller setup until they release an "official controller support function" with designated controls,
(hopefully when they release the console version it will be patched in)

thank you for reading.



move forward = up
move backward = down
toggle walk/run = W
move left = left
move right = right
jump = A
autorun = V
roll dodge = O
toggle mount = H


attack = LMB
block = RMB
sprint = shift
crouch = ctrl
interrupt = LMB + RMB
use synergy = space
weapon swap = S
ability 1 - 5 = 1 - 5
ultimate = U
quickslot = Q
sheathe/unsheathe = D
command pet = P

(TARGETING) and (CAMERA) are the default


interact with environment = X
interact with player = F


toggle fullscreen mode = alt-enter
toggle screenshot = sys req
start chat = enter
start chat slash = /
reply to whisper = R
UI on/off = not bound
character windows = alt
inventory = I
character = C
skills = K
Journal = J
map = M
group = B
contacts = Z
guilds = G
alliance war = L
mail = '
notifications = N
help = F1
system = esc
cycle focused quest = T
first/third person = ,
toggle in-game cursor = .


primary action/accept = X
secondary action = D
tertiary action = A
decline/negative/abandon action = E
report a player = F1
view quickslots (from inventory) = Q
show on map (from quest journal) = M
cycle focused quest (from quest journa) = T


fire siege weapon = LMB
exit siege weapon = O
stow siege weapon = D


primary dialog action = X
secondary dialog action = D
negative/decline dialog action = O
close dialog = esc


accept notification = X
decline notification = O


some or most of these controls do not have to be changed,
this is all personal preference.


( R1 = Nothing ) which is my "switch to set 2 while being held" button
( in Xpadder, right click on the white square on R1 (which has nothing), then: set selector, selects set 2, while being held )

this is what it's like on the controller in Xpadder:

((( regular )))

square = D
X = X
circle = O
triangle = A

d-pad left = 1
d-pad down = 2
d-pad right = 3
d-pad up = 4

share button = 5
playstation button = U
options button = Esc

R2 = LMB
L2 = RMB
L1 = shift

R3 = ,
L3 = Ctrl

touchpad button = M

R1 = nothing (set selector)

left stick - left = arrow left
left stick - down = arrow down
left stick - right = arrow right
left stick -up = arrow up

right stick - left = mouse move left
right stick - down = mouse move down
right stick - right = mouse move right
right stick - up = mouse move up


square = S
X = F (toggle is on)
circle = H
triangle = Space

d-pad left = T
d-pad down = mouse wheel down (turbo is on)
d-pad right = Tab
d-pad up = mouse wheel up (turbo is on)

share button = C
playstation button = K
options button = J

R2 = MMB
L1 = Q
L2 = .

R3 = W
L3 = V

touchpad button = I

R1 = nothing (set selector)

left stick - left = arrow left
left stick - down = arrow down
left stick - right = arrow right
left stick -up = arrow up

right stick - left = mouse move left
right stick - down = mouse move down
right stick - right = mouse move right
right stick - up = mouse move up


if you right click the little circle with a wrench by the LEFT STICK, select settings, the deadzone is 25% and the diagonal size is 45.

if you right click the little circle with a wrench by the RIGHT STICK, select settings, the deadzone is 15% and the diagonal size is 45.

if you right click the little circle with a wrench by the RIGHT STICK, select mouse settings, the horizontal and vertical are both set to 75.

you have to do this for both set 1 and set 2.


this is what it's like on the controller while playing:

((( regular )))

square = sheathe/unsheathe
X = interact with environment
circle = roll dodge (turned off double tap)
triangle = jump

d-pad left = 1
d-pad down = 2
d-pad right = 3
d-pad up = 4

share button = 5
playstation button = ultimate
options button = esc

R2 = attack
L2 = block
L1 = sprint

R3 = toggle 1st / 3rd person view
L3 = sneak

touchpad button = map

left stick - left = move left
left stick - down = move backward
left stick - right = move right
left stick -up = move forward

right stick - left = look left
right stick - down = look down
right stick - right = look right
right stick - up = look up


square = weapon swap
X = interact with player (toggle is on)
circle = toggle mount
triangle = use synergy

d-pad left = cycle focused quest
d-pad down = mouse wheel down
d-pad right = cycle preferred target
d-pad up = mouse wheel up

share button = character
playstation button = skills
options button = journal

R2 = mouse free look
L1 = quickslot
L2 = toggle mouse cursor

R3 = toggle walk/run
L3 = auto run

touchpad button = inventory

left stick - left = move left
left stick - down = move backward
left stick - right = move right
left stick -up = move forward

right stick - left = look left
right stick - down = look down
right stick - right = look right
right stick - up = look up
Edited by Drumser on May 8, 2015 3:28AM
  • Drumser
    Soul Shriven
    If anyone is using this, please leave a comment with your opinions and ideas.

    I will be playing on PS4 in June, if you want to be friends, my characters name will be ... Drumser ...

    1.8k views, awesome, thank you for reading this, hope it helps.
    Edited by Drumser on February 25, 2015 1:52AM
  • RunAway
    Great guide. I'll probably give it a try next week.
  • intrimazz
    I was using xpadder with my Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510 during beta and then launch broke my settings and I was too lazy to fix it. I might give it a go again after reading this. Thanks :)
  • devdztub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    mapped 6 to autorun, 7 to dodge/roll, 8 to prev quick slot, 9 to next quick slot... the rest default

    got 6 left over spots and havent found a need to map them
    Edited by devdztub17_ESO on March 20, 2015 9:13PM
  • Krym
    I just hope with the xbone version releasing we get proper xinput support at least...
  • lord_tsarkon
    Soul Shriven
    Would this work on a Xbox 360 Controller? I haven't played since Beta (way too many bugs and not very group friendly game back then and the 15 dollars a month kept me away from this game) and I will still get the game on PC but it looks like I will have an easier time moving around with a controller..

    I will prolly play 1/2 controller and 1/2 mouse/keyboard... just wondering if a Xbox 360 controller (wired USB) will work ...

    FYI.. I do not have the game just yet
  • Drumser
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, a wired 360 controller will work,
    Just replace the share button with the back button and the playstation button with the xbox button. And the background picture with an xbox controller lol
  • Drumser
    Soul Shriven
    Also, it seems that there will be an official controller scheme patched in sometime after console launch
  • roskakori10eb17_ESO
  • Drumser
    Soul Shriven
    updated controls for a more PS4 feel
  • PKMN12
    you people do realize you are hurting your ability to play the game by A LOT by using this.

    this is a known fact, that keyboards/mouse are faster, more responsive, and allow you to use buttons MUCH better then a controller.
  • Drumser
    Soul Shriven
    it is a fact for people that are more comfortable on keyboard/mouse,

    I, like many other people, am more comfortable on a controller,

    to each their own.
  • MisterBigglesworth
    I have a much simpler setup for Xpadder (360 controller) because I'm not trying to do EVERYTHING with it. It's ONLY used for combat, and it's pretty straight-forward and responsive.

    Left analog = WASD, Right analog = camera
    Left trigger = block, Right trigger = attack
    A,B,X,Y = abilities 1,2,3,4
    Start button (right next to X button) = ability 5
    Left stick click = Jump, Right stick click = weapon swap (so it's literally the fastest swap possible while on a controller)
    Back button = rez player (take thumb off WASD for this, doesn't matter since you must stand still to rez someone anyway)

    D-pad up = Ultimate, D-pad left = synergy
    D-pad right = potion, D-pad down = sneak

    Right bumper = dodge-roll

    Left bumper = "use"
    Left bumper + Right bumper = mount
    Left trigger + right bumper = sprint (results in half-second delay between block animation and when you start sprinting; no big deal for most combat, block still works instantly regardless)
    Edited by MisterBigglesworth on May 8, 2015 3:26AM
    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • PKMN12
    Drumser wrote: »
    it is a fact for people that are more comfortable on keyboard/mouse,

    I, like many other people, am more comfortable on a controller,

    to each their own.

    no, i mean it is a known FACT, if you are using a controller, you are slower and less responsive then someone using a keyboard and mouse.

    I am sorry if this hurts your feelings or that you prefer controllers, does nto matter, you are slower and less responsive then someone else.
  • Drumser
    Soul Shriven
    PKMN12 wrote: »
    Drumser wrote: »
    itdoesn't reallyct for people that are more comfortable on keyboard/mouse,

    I, like many other people, am more comfortable on a controller,

    to each their own.

    no, i mean it is a known FACT, if you are using a controller, you are slower and less responsive then someone using a keyboard and mouse.

    I am sorry if this hurts your feelings or that you prefer controllers, does nto matter, you are slower and less responsive then someone else.

    You can believe whatever you want if it helps your ego sleep at night,
    trolls like you don't hurt my feelings, they make me laugh because of their ignorance,

    I am faster and more responsive with a controller, some people like you are better with keyboard/mouse, it is just your opinion and personal preference, not a fact,

    that is why I am getting the ps4 version,
    This controller guide is for people like me, that want to play with a controller on pc until the ps4 version gets released,

    Please, no more troll posts, if you don't like controllers then just don't say anything, this guide is not meant for you.

    Thank you.
  • Rykher
    Soul Shriven
    Is there a way to make my movements smoother? when i connect my controller i'm stuck with this stop and go speeds like buttons. i was hoping connecting a controller would change that but i still only have 2 speeds, stop and go.
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    No there is no way to do that, as xpadder is just mimicking a keyboard. If you want analog movement with PS controller, you are going to need to have it be recognized as a xbox controller. Then the controller setting in the menu.
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