Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Enchanting leveling is too slow. Either that or I'm thick.

Soul Shriven
So right now, swapping glyphs is the fastest way to level Enchanting that I know, but I can't find anyone in the game to swap with. Is there another, faster way to level up Enchanting. I need to level it to 10 to gain the next Potency Improvement and I'm only at 8. I made over a dozen glyphs and it only when up like 1/20 the bar. This is ridiculous!
  • Feidam
    Other option is killing mobs for the dropped glyphs and deconstructing them. Regardless enchanting has been painful to level for me.
  • xxslam48xxb14_ESO
    Yeah its way too slow! Im v10 now and my enchanting is only lvl 23 even after deconstructing v10 glyphs! It would be really nice if enchanting could recieve a super huge buff to make it more in line with all the other crafting skills. I have sent bad feedback about enchanting leveling too slow so maybe if more people do it they will look into it. Almost seems bugged because of how slow it levels when you compare it to everything else.
    I wrote a poem that I titled, "The ganker's delight."

    As you lay upon the ground, cry not little pawn.
    The pain will pass as quickly as my blade did take you,
    but my delight will last and you will respawn.
    My heart simply cannot contain my joy, when I ply my trade.

    The fault lies with you, your skill was lacking.
    Now your salt is mine forever, can't you hear the laughing?
    Once you were so proud and now you are reduced to this.
    A miserable, loud deuced fool.

    With every tear you drip, with every excuse you let slip.
    All of your insecurities and worries bring a smile to my lip.
    From your despair I have ripped endless glories,
    but our affair is over now. Be afraid for I will return for more.

    I have received many titles, to my allies I am The sniper Emperor and Grand champion hero of the Pact. However these titles mean little to me, it is the ones given to me by my victims that I prefer. To them I am "Xv1er", "trash", "no balls", "zerger", "noob", "cringe", "no skill", "camper", "100% new", "the reason this game is dying", "pathetic", "a sack of piece of [snip]", "mediocre", "absolute inbred", "beyond a virgin", "ganky dork", "fat smelly 40yr old virgin", "little girl", "daddy", "exploiting loser", and every [snipped] word known to man.
  • Natjur
    Find a someone else who is around the same level enchanting, get a few purple or yellow runes, make a few purple and yellow enchantments (no much exp there) but then SWAP them, and get 2-5k each per yellow or purple enchantment you break down that you did not make.

    Its like 1 level per 3 purple enchantments (yellow runes give about 60% of a level, but not worth the cost)
    Edited by Natjur on May 5, 2014 1:03AM
  • Filodendron
    It really is the hardest profession to level and due the level requirements, just having it slightly behind your character development makes it completely useless while leveling.

    However getting to 10 isn't really a challenge, keep in mind that discovering the words grant extra XP.
  • JderrasAlchemist
    Soul Shriven
    Except I can't make yellow or purple quality glyphs, and I already discovered all the words I currently can. Still, considering that my Argonian mage is currently level 11, I suppose it only makes sense that I'm at skill level 9 now. I won't be needing enchantments above 11-19 for a while.
  • Reticent_Prophet
    It seems like a skill point pit to me too. Other crafts you really just have to level up one area to make higher quality items. Enchanting you have to level up Potency AND Aspect improvement. And on top of that it takes up a lot of inventory space because there is so many different runes and it takes 3 runes to make one enchantment.
  • reggielee
    been working enchanting since day one, i keep all the runes i find to the point that most of my inv is now runes, I enchant what i can but that ends up being a handful per day due to low aspect drops. I disenchant all the glyphs i make or find. I have translated all but a few of the runes in game and still my level is 10. I have dropped points into raising potency/aspect to as high as allowed for my char but without aspect runes its worthless.

    this is the first time i heard about the crafting partner boost being applied to runecrafting so thanks for that tip.

    however, its bloody ridiculous how slow, painful and inv consuming the craft is, when you can just buy or use the runes that drop freq in the game. it will be a year before i get to lvl 40, let alone 50.

    im letting it go till they tweak it cuz right now its stupid waste of time, inv and points
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Debisibllaallb14_ESO
    Enchanting was my favorite profession in Skyrim... so that was my focus when I started ESO. By level 15 I had completely abandoned it for Alchemy and Provisioning (though provisioning is a pain too since I have tons of recipes that I can't use because they are too high level, and not enough recipes that I can use because I just haven't found them yet).
    Edited by Debisibllaallb14_ESO on May 5, 2014 1:10PM
  • reggielee
    it was my fav one too, love that scrapping sound when harvesting them and they are such a nice graphic to. the animation for when you are crafting is awesome too. hate to let it go but its dragging my game enjoyement down
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Up to Enchanting 16 I relied on glyph drops mostly. Then switched to buying runes and blue+ glyphs and selling purple+ fire resist glyphs to fund this endeavor. At least till this vampire madness lasts, this seems to be a more convenient way to level enchanting, though not necessarily faster, since you have to wait for the right offers and your runes to sell.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • djodars
    We are a group of 3 friends and everyone has been sending me their glyphs to deconstruct. I'm about to hit V4 and I'm still only lvl 29 in enchanting. Each glyphs gives me the width of a hair in experience and this is painful, annoying and tiresome. If you're leveling enchanting alone without being fed glyphs after glyphs, you have no chance of hitting 50 anytime soon. This needs to be addressed and quick.

    Edit: I wanted to add this:

    Not only the profession is ultra slow to level compared to clothing / blacksmithing, but the materials are rare to come by AND random. While you can deconstruct a couple of items and make gear easily with clothing / blacksmithing, you have to spend HOURS running around gathering runestones for a CHANCE at getting the mats you need to craft the glyphs you need. And you need a combination of ~30 materials to craft a set of glyphs for your armor let alone for any friends you have. Enchanting needs love cause right now, it's tedious.
    Edited by djodars on May 5, 2014 2:10PM
  • Tatuaje
    As noted above.... I have found the best way is to swap glyphs. My partner sends me the mats I create glyphs (I gain xp, abet small), then return to him for his big XP jump. And the opposite for me to gain the XP. I will say, after level 21 or 22, I only swap T3/4 runes and they are at least blue if not purple. At these levels, TAs and the greens are just a waste of time.
    Edited by Tatuaje on May 5, 2014 2:12PM
  • Demli
    Enchanting should take longer than other crafts.

    I say this because it's a universal craft. Meaning everyone benefits from glyphs. They can be applied to all weapons and armor (unless enchantment is locked). And as there is no jeweler (yet?), enchanting is important to making your character as powerful as possible. This makes a leveled enchanter more valuable to other players.

    Also, there is a sense of arcane knowledge when it comes to enchanting, so it would make sense that it's harder to learn than shaping metal with a hammer.
  • Zepheric
    I agree Demli, I think although this is a tough profession making it easier is not necessarily the best idea. I think making professions valuable is tough but putting a huge grind in between 0 and top level makes the top level enchanters something really special.

    And I feel like that is what is missing from MMO's today is that special feeling you get when someone really powerful or dedicated to their craft helps you out, it not only fosters a community feeling but it provides a way for crafting to make money as well as keep things standardized.
    Sanguine's Tester
  • Cheatingdeath23
    I've been saving up Rekuta and send them to someone to make me glyphs to deconstruct.

    It got so expensive I stopped for a time, but I'm about to get to the next level where I need to increase my enchanting, so I might have to do it again.
  • Drachenfier
    I'm level 40, my enchanting is level 12. I deconstruct every glyph I can find...tried swapping with myself by making glyphs on one character and sending them to another, i still get crap xp for each deconstruct. I am now so far ahead in the mats that I can't even make new glyphs until i hit 15 or 16 in enchanting, which probably wont' happen until I'm V10 at this rate.

    By comparison, i didn't even start clothing until level 39 and its already 12, just from breaking down drops.
  • Malediktus
    Trade glyphs with other crafters. Problem solved. Epic glyphs give like 5k xp each
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Daverios
    If ANYTHING the other crafts level too quickly and enchanting is just about right.

    People keep thinking you need 50 craft when you hit adventure lvl 50. No you only need like 25-30 in a craft.

    Kinda disappointed to see SO many people hitting 50 in every craft. Just means there is no market for crafts aside from the odd research to be had. Once p
    everyone has those all done in every craft its GG crafting economy was nice knowing ya.

    Crafting feels like a single player game. Eveyone can make eveything they need or want just like Skyrim.
    Edited by Daverios on May 5, 2014 6:10PM
  • Brugun
    Yeah I just vr10 recently, my main profession is Enchanting, and I've had the support of my guild with glyph donations, and I'm still only at lvl34. It is painfully slow to level...
  • Thechemicals
    If it were easy then everyone would be an endgame enchanter and then all enchanters would be a dime a dozen.
    Edited by Thechemicals on May 5, 2014 7:00PM
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Drachenfier
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Trade glyphs with other crafters. Problem solved. Epic glyphs give like 5k xp each

    Honestly that's terrible design. It needs to be fixed to be in line with the other crafts.
  • Bluntski
    The fact that you are essentially FORCED to trade to level is absurd.
  • Sneakyfool
    Bluntski wrote: »
    The fact that you are essentially FORCED to trade to level is absurd.

    I thought you were leveling your enchanting just as fast as me, doing it solo?

    Guys please read my guide (see below) and for your own sanity, get a partner. Interaction is the key to this craft. It's not to slow if you go and make friends, it is a mmo afterall.‏#latest

  • Rayveni
    Interaction is definitely a key. Or making friends who will send you the glyphs that they get off of mobs. I hit Veteran 1 and then finally hit Enchant 40 because of it. Luckily, 40 is all you have to go up to at the moment.
  • Zepheric
    This is a by product of the fact that they don't want an AH. The reason they won't implement an AH is because they don't want to get to a point everyone has easy access to all the best craftable gear without any communal effort, or effort towards your character.
    Sanguine's Tester
  • Thalmar
    On patch 1.1 notes there are some improvments that will make enchanting a little easier

    Added additional runestone harvest nodes to all zones in the game.
    We have reduced the variety of available essence runes in lower-level zones in order to improve chances of making a usable glyphs.
    We have adjusted Essence runestones so the rate at which they appear is in the world is more in line with other types of runestones.
    Slightly reduced the chance to receive a negative potency runestone while harvesting.
    Fixed an issue where some Veteran Rank enchantment glyphs of different tiers shared the same name.
    Fixed an issue where multiple ranks of enchantment glyphs had the same level range, but different power levels.
    Updated the icons for Enchanting passive skills Aspect Improvement and Potency Improvement to more closely match their associated runestone shapes.
    The Absorb Stamina enchantment now correctly absorbs stamina when it’s triggered.
    Fixed an issue where potency runestone harvest nodes would sometimes give the incorrect level runestone.
    Fixed an issue where enchantments that increase potion effectiveness were not correctly stacking.
    The value of the potion effectiveness enchants has been doubled.
    Fixed issues where potion effectiveness enchants were incorrectly increasing the effect of non-restoration potions.

    Also playing your character actively, i mean not staying in bank and sending mats to disenchant from your main, could help you since in every zone you get at least 2 points from just reading books in the World.
  • Tanabe
    enchanting maybe the only crafting wher eits good to be social and trade buy glyphs of other players, and there for adds a new and better dimension to it that i like, the other gear crafts you dont even have to make anything to get it maxed :(
  • vibroluxan
    Soul Shriven
    You can trade with one of your alts via your bank and get the same benefits as trading with another player--you get the deconstruct bonus for deconstructing a glyph made by your alt just like you do for deconstructing one made by another player. So, for soloists, using an alt is your best bet. You wind up having to invest some time/glyphs/effort into leveling the alt, but it is worth it. Getting my alt up to level 10 helped me greatly in getting my main up to 15, which got me back to having some runes I could "learn" for extra experience.

    You may also find certain areas or dungeons where white and green glyphs are dropped as loot fairly regularly. Those also deconstruct for more points than something you made yourself.

    One comment I saw someone make that made sense of the slowness of enchanting compared to blacksmithing or clothing is that you do not have to research traits for enchanting. That is the the time sink in clothing and blacksmithing--yes, you can much more easily keep up with your leveling in terms of the raw level of weapons/armor you can make, but where those crafts slow down is having enough traits researched to make the special sets in your current zone. I am hitting a point where I need one more trait on a few items to make the current zone's special armor sets, and it is now taking over 3 days to research a trait, even with the skill that reduces research time 5%.

  • Malediktus
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Trade glyphs with other crafters. Problem solved. Epic glyphs give like 5k xp each

    Honestly that's terrible design. It needs to be fixed to be in line with the other crafts.
    Not really, you are playing a multi player game. If anything the other crafting professions need to be slowed down, especially provisioning and alchemy.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Daverios
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Trade glyphs with other crafters. Problem solved. Epic glyphs give like 5k xp each

    Honestly that's terrible design. It needs to be fixed to be in line with the other crafts.
    Not really, you are playing a multi player game. If anything the other crafting professions need to be slowed down, especially provisioning and alchemy.


    In fact I would even say there should be a cap on how much you can earn a day. People basically just farmed and PL crafts to 50. Kinda sad really when any Tom *** or Harry can do this in a mindless farm, it kills the economy as why hire a crafter when you are 50 in all.
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