My guess would on on the drivers as well. You might also get some software to monitor the voltages on your gfx and processor if you really doubt that your psu is misfunctioning. I just hope I don't get similar drop on fps when I update the driver or I'll be playing somewhere 15-20 fps
As side note I've never got even near 100 fps with my gtx 780 and I know my system should be able to get that (i5-4670k, gtx 780, 8gb 1600Mhz DDR3). So nice to hear that someone with 770 has been able then it's prolly just issue with 780 cards. Other games I get easily 100 or more fps.
Its funny on windows 7 I had issues getting over 35 fps in ultra now I get 50-65 ultra 100 draw. Before on ultra with 60 draw I would get around 35fps. I upgraded to windows 8.1 I had a key from my brothers copy he hates. It runs alot better on windows 8 for some reason.. I reinstalled windows 7 to see the difference and its there.
This is on
AMD 8350
Asus Sabertooth 990FX
8Gigs @ 1866
AMD 280x
Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Hi, I have a combat power 750 Watt PSU And im not sure on where to look at voltages on HWmonitor. I've just installed it,Download HWmonitor and tell us your voltages. Mostly the 12v, but all will do or take a screenshot. This will let us know if your PSU is not pushing the correct voltages. I a little off is alright, but if your seeing big differences PSU is likely failing. What PSU do you have exactly?
Nobody will get 100 fps in pvp or towns, but inside buildings and dungeons its pretty normal.
I still have a 6970 so yours should definitely do better on ultra.
mikeyy13b16_ESO wrote: »[snip]
i turned vsync on and i had about 27-30 fps
i always get like 100-120 fps on eso without vsync off,
The ESO patch or the PSU (Power Supply Unit)
on medium it sticks at 27-30 fps..!
it needs to run in windows basic, this was NOT the case before hand, but now it is i see [snip].
gougefub17_ESO wrote: »Here's shotgun blast of crap. Maybe some will stick
SSD will make a performance difference. Defrag will help. Here's a complete list
---Ingame settings---
gougefub17_ESO wrote: »Here's shotgun blast of crap. Maybe some will stick
SSD will make a performance difference. Defrag will help. Here's a complete list
---Ingame settings---
Good list especially for someone not having top high end gfx card to boost their fps. However for those that has top high end gfx, they should not be required to tone down the shadows, distances, etc to get even 60fps in everyday PvE in the woods.
If only I've known that this game requires GTX TITAN Z to run over 60 fps. Ok some cards do have that so as read the forums it seems there is some kind of issue at least with GTX 760 and 780 cards, that they do not perform as well as they should with this game.
Beldorrub17_ESO wrote: »mikeyy13b16_ESO wrote: »[snip]
i turned vsync on and i had about 27-30 fps
i always get like 100-120 fps on eso without vsync off,
The ESO patch or the PSU (Power Supply Unit)
on medium it sticks at 27-30 fps..!
it needs to run in windows basic, this was NOT the case before hand, but now it is i see [snip].
I did my best to remove the fluff and look at what your issues are and symptoms. It’s possible, just very unlikely that you PSU affecting your performance. You would see more system instability if you are lacking stable power to the CPU, not just FPS loss in ESO. As far as windows basic, windows ususally would revert to this if you run out of virtual memory. Windows Areo wouldn't account for 70-90 fps loss.
I’m confused when you say “i always get like 100-120 fps on eso without vsync off.” Without vsync off , so when vsync is on you normally get 100-120?
There are a lot of fixes being posted for a simple vsync change. If you're getting 27-30 fps on (ultra? not specified prior to the medium comment), then moving it to medium and getting 20-30 fps something is still limiting you. Mods like combat logs kill my fps if too much is going on (PVP), I suggest just disabling all mods until you resolve the issue, not just ESOhead.
It seems likely you still have vsync on, whether it’s checked or not, due the fps maxing out at 30 on different graphic settings. I'd have to defer nivida support to these other guys helping since I'm not a nivida user. Does the Nivida application have vsync setting for individual games?
Its funny on windows 7 I had issues getting over 35 fps in ultra now I get 50-65 ultra 100 draw. Before on ultra with 60 draw I would get around 35fps. I upgraded to windows 8.1 I had a key from my brothers copy he hates. It runs alot better on windows 8 for some reason.. I reinstalled windows 7 to see the difference and its there.
This is on
AMD 8350
Asus Sabertooth 990FX
8Gigs @ 1866
AMD 280x
Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Windows 7 has very poor support for AMD FX processors, even after the "patches" that supposedly improved it. Windows 8/8.1 has a different CPU scheduler that works MUCH better with these. If you were using anything else, you wouldn't have seen much difference between 7 and 8.