Please add a ESO General discussion area

Ive seen so many threads that treat about general topics of ESo, but they are splited on PVP or one of PVE subtopics, and its hard to track all of them. The forum, in my humble opion, would be much more organized if we had an General discussion area.
Another good forum subdivision was an "ideas and improvements" area, for many players that are giving ideas like adding new weapons to the game (and tuning the ideas on forums, like adding crossbows to the game, or polearms, or housing, etc..), a place where a dev could put its eyes and easely see the idea and, maybe, consider pass on to staff discussion.
Ty for reading
  • nicholaspingasb16_ESO
    Yes. As is stands, the community is separated far too much into the various sections of the forums. You have to post a thread in all 3 PvE faction forums, as well as any other relevant forums just to get people interested in an idea you have.
    Sanguine's Beta Tester

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