Hey all!
So, last night I noticed that my Khajiit NB (yay!) finally hit 50 in medium armor (doubleyay!)
Since Khajiit have bonuses to medium armor and I've put skill points in medium armor passives, wearing medium armor is super beneficial to me.
My question is, is it worth starting to put XP into heavy and light (say, wearing one piece of each while keeping most of my medium benefits)? I feel like my %bonuses for wearing a full set of medium armor will not be as good if I'm wearing one piece of heavy and light each. I also know that only wearing one piece of that kind of armor will slow the progression of XP in the skill whereas if I wore a full set it would increase faster.
So, is it worth it, just for giggles or might there be a legitimate reason to gain XP in the other armors, or is it a complete waste of time based on my medium armor build?
Thanks so much!
Edited by psychounz on May 2, 2014 3:29PM