*** this game. It has so many problems, and I am sick and tired of all these bugs. Honestly why isn't the game perfect I paid money for this and I only want perfection. With all these bugs they might as well start over. It would probably be best if they just shut down the servers and fixed all the bugs then re-released the game. That would fix everything.
Don't even get me started on the PvP, Cyrodil reminds me of an old prostitutes ***, too big. Walking? Running? Riding Horses? If I wanted to exercise I wouldn't have bought a computer game. What was ZOS thinking, now people have to think about how they're going to go into battle instead of just running in the FUN way and swinging your sword and spells like a *** beast. That's what the veteran players do.
Speaking of VETERAN...I'm VR10 and this game is below me, every single person that isn't VR10 is below me. I have reached a whole new level of enlightenment and I now have good reason to think that I am much more valuable than everyone else. It's so lonely in these veteran areas because everyone else sucks ***. Honestly people, can you please hurry the *** up and get to VR10 like me?!
Lastly, WTF IS THIS?! "VAMPIRE SCROLLS ONLINE"?! Like honestly there is nothing more frustrating then playing a game where I don't feel safe from the Vampires. They are so strong and they are so OP with their special skill lines. It's not fair that they can be so overpowered and take out a entire ZERG with just 2 vampires, but I should probably get myself a bite right? Hypocritical? I'm sorry I don't know what that means...I didn't do well in 8th grade.
I'm just tired of this not being more like WoW...*sigh*.
This has been a satire

Thank you.
"Only the proud and mighty dare to follow the ways of Talos"