Use general Discussion then. It's the best place for Polls that need a lot of feedback by nature.There is no suggestion category on ESO forum, so I have to write it here.
I completely agree with FP improvements and so i've added my vote to "would like options".
I would like to add some suggestions that have been made some time ago on the forum so you can, comment, spread the words and endorse if you care about it.
- Display 1st person view with your complete body ! No more "floating" in the air like a ghost but rather embodies your character.
- 1st person body with shadow casting (this one makes a huge difference in dungeon exploration)
- Just look down, see your feet touch the ground and look how cool your armor fits to you.
- No more "steady-like" motions but rather experience the forces that can unbalance your body sometimes and gives you more engaging combats (more realistic and viceral)
- No FP view's jump when entering dialogs
- Epic FP mounts ridings!
- Configurable head bobbing (with configurable amount to fit everyone's taste) as this Skyrim mod ImmersiveFirstPersonView does : move the camera to the head of your 3rd person model, so that you can experience exactely what your character sees.
- No more "steady-like" motions but rather experience the forces that can unbalance your body sometimes and gives you more engaging combats (more realistic and viceral)
- in-game slider in the settings to set the amount of camera bobbing in FP view:
0 = vanilla steady mouvement
100 = realistic head bobing. ...and in between the two values, all the ranges to fit everyone's taste!
Original discussions here: