Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Weapon Ultimates ideas

Barrage (200 ultimate, damage is buffed by 25% for each 200 more spent)
- shoot arrows in rapid succession, hitting primary target for 100% damage and every other enemy in 25° cone for 50%. Shoots 9/10/11/12 arrows in 2 seconds channel. Damage is equal to 1 heavy attack (first shot) and the rest are light attacks. [can be interrupted]

Morph1: Heavy Barrage
- targets are stunned for the duration and put off balance for 4 seconds.

Morph2: Magical Barrage
- all hits apply full Weapon enchantment effect

Two Handed
Bladestorm (200 ultimate, damage is buffed by 25% for each 200 more spent)
- hitting every target in a 8m radius repeatedly - 9/10/11/12 hits over 3 seconds - all with damage of light attacks. Each hit has 10% chance to put enemy off balance for 4 seconds. [can be interrupted]

Morph1: Juggernaut
- Can no longer be interrupted. Increases armor and magic resistance by 40% for the duration, but reduces damage by 25%.

Morph2: Sword Dance
- effect varies depending on weapon:
- mace - initial hit also reduces enemy armor by 40% for 5 seconds
- axe - 25% chance to decapitate enemies under 25% HP (checked each time it deals damage)
- sword - deals 15% more damage

One hand and Shield
Shield Wall (200 ultimate, duration is increased by 25% for each 200 more spent)
- for 8 seconds increases blocking mitigation to 100%. Passively allows to block single target spells while slotted.

Morph1: Spiked Wall
- blocked melee attacks return 25% damage.

Morph2: Spellward
- blocking spells regenerates 10% magicka.

Dual Wield
Combat Dance (200 ultimate, duration is increased by 25% for each 200 more spent)
- for 8 seconds, dodge 75% melee attacks. With each successfull dodge, you strike target for 100% weapon damage (can crit) and reduce their melee Power by 25% for 8 seconds.

Morph1: Opportunitist
- Targets hit are stunned and put off-balance for 4 seconds, instead of reducing their power.

Morph2: Ghost Combat
- increases chance to dodge to 100%, but duration is shortened to 6 seconds.

Destruction Staff (effect depends on type)
Flamethrower (200 ultimate, damage is buffed by 25% for each 200 more spent)
- continuous channelled stream of fire that deals high damage in a wide cone.

Morph1: Black Flame
- damage also applies 75% miss chance and silence for the duration.

Morph2: Liquid Fire
- no longer channelled - damage is instead applied over 6 seconds (DoT).

Frost Atronach (200 ultimate, duration is increased by 25% for each 200 more spent)
- summons a powerful Frost Atronach with powerful melee AoE attacks that also taunts all enemies in a radius, lasts 10 seconds.

Morph1: Ice Collosi
- Frost Atronach also deals periodical frost damage in a radius

Morph2: Rampaging Atronach
- Frost Atronach also uses a powerful smash (6s ICD) that deals moderate damage, stuns all enemies hit and puts them off-balance for 4 seconds.

Lightning Storm (200 ultimate, damage is buffed by 25% for each 200 more spent)
- for 5 seconds, caster is lifted in the air and untargetable (can't move) and deals shock damage in a large radius.

Morph1: God of Thunder
- instead of usual effect, for next 5 seconds, each second a lightning from the sky hits 2 random targets within a radius from you for moderate damage, stuns them, and puts them off-balance for 4 seconds.

Morph2: Lightning Cloak
- instead of the usual effect, you gain a Lightning Cloak for 12 seconds. Each time you are hit by a melee attack, attacker receives high shock damage and gets knocked 10m away.

Restoration Staff
Mender's Staff (drains 3 ultimate per tick, toggle)
- Heavy attacks with a restoration staff drains ultimate and receive a 100% damage buff.

Morph1: Mender's Shield
- Also passively increases block mitigation by 25% while slotted.

Morph2: Enchanted Staff
- Restoration Staff heals (with HoTs only last tick) restore 5% stamina to target while Enchanted Staff is active.
Edited by ArRashid on May 1, 2014 7:19AM
  • Still_Mind
    I like the 1h+shield concept, but I'd really like to see something flashy on the 2h style.

    Split Sky (200 ultimate)
    - Full-power overhead swing, dealing heavy damage in a 20-meter straight line, 20% per 200 Ultimate spent to cause Off-balance.

    Morph1: Part Sea
    - Additional effect: Broader line of effect, 20% per 200 Ultimate spent to cause Knockback\Knockdown, Increased chance (total 40% per 200 Ultimate) to cause Off-balance.

    Morph2: Shatter Earth
    - Effect has shorter range (7-10m), but is delivered in a broad cone. 20% per 200 Ultimate spent to cause Knockback\Knockdown, Increased chance (total 40% per 200 Ultimate) to cause Off-balance.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • ArRashid
    Well. That would be kind of godly, and we're not supposed to split mountains in two with our weapons.. that would be looking good, but totally against that "ordinary guy" concept of this game.
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