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Werewolf thoughts

Soul Shriven
So, here I sit reading through the various posts on what is wrong with werewolves compared to the other classes and yes vampires. I can't help agree with many of the posts I see and wish there was a change going through at the moment. Despite this I'm not gonna sit here and reiterate the same things every one else has been saying, with the exception of that we need to have some way to be able to sit in werewolf form for as long as we like. Before people want to hang me for saying so I have one big reason for this. Roleplay. Sure werewolf is supposed to be tuned for the sake of balance, no one wants it to be something every single person feels they need to have in order to be good but lets be honest here. The entire reason it is the mechanic it is at the moment is because of Skyrim and other Elder Scrolls games (admittedly i never used it in Oblivion). It was a powerful ability that you could used to just tear through things and because of this you had to devour your victims to stay in it longer to balance it.

This isn't Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind; this is Elder Scrolls Online, a massively multiplayer online ROLEPLAYING game. Believe it or not no mater what you think of people who do it, there are ROLEPLAYERS in this game, and I am fairly certain i am not the only one who wants to be able to Roleplay at being a werewolf. But how can we do that if the ability takes forever and a day to charge up and then lasts 30 seconds? I know that turning the form from an ultimate to a toggle would be a lot of work for Zenimax but lets face it again this is a MMO, that's the name of the game lots of work for the developer to keep the game going and making sure that its not only playable but worth our 15 dollars a month and what ever we payed for the game itself. I'm not saying that they should necessarily just outright give us the ability to fight in werewolf form permanently but they could at the very least give us the fun of being able to be in wolf form for the pure sake of it and maybe make it so that while using it if you get into combat while in this permanent form you are auto-morphed out because you didn't use the ultimate. But again that's rather immersion breaking and to be honest that is the entire point of being a roleplayer is immersing oneself into the world in which they are wanting to be apart of.

In the earlier Elder Scrolls games we didn't have other people to play with, we didn't have that ability to run around (no matter how hard we tried or wanted to) and really make the world as living and breathing as we wanted to. Elder Scrolls is exactly the chance to be able to do this, because we are getting that chance to play with others. We finally have the ability to RP, to become out characters and make that character entire every thing we want it to be. Zenimax has even stated this is their intention with the game and how you get to set up yourskill points so that your character is entirely your own. Why should the werewolf be any different in that regard, especially when vampires get to be exactly what they are 24 hours a day? The entire process of being a werewolf in its current state is just an absolute finger towards immersion, lore, and all of us who want to roleplay being werewolves. I don't particularly know what its gonna take to be able to make this work but it really really needs to be done. Even if making the permanent toggle is an evolution of the entire skill line itself, maybe getting rid of the Berzerker wolf and Pack Leader wolf entirely and making instead one choice being a morph into the permanent skill and the other the way it currently is but with added power or something.

Well thus ends my soapbox rant and if you all want to chime in go ahead and do so but please keep in mind none of this is about how crappy the werewolf is (I honestly am enjoying it for the most part), or that we just will never be able to hold our own in pvp. My entire thought process was from the stand point of being able to RP a werewolf and giving us the opportunity to really truly form packs for the sake of immersion and fun.

Zenimax you have the makings of an amazing game. Please listen to the players and not just the minorities that shout and rant the loudest, don't let this be a game that we will only be interested in for a few months, we truly honestly want this to be a game that we will be interested in for years. The chance at true immersion is one way to do this, not the only, but one definite way. Just let us Rpers have a place to call home and to be able to be who we want to be, not just the werewolves or the vampires but every one. And please..... please... please.... for the love of all that is gaming... make it so that we can use the furniture in game, i.e. chairs and such (and no giving us a /chair emote does not count and doesn't even come close to helping with immersion).
  • codyyoungnub18_ESO
    I honestly think it's pretty decent with high stam (dmg based on stam), the only complaint I have is the massive amount of ultimate it requires for the short duration (even munching the corpses afterwards). I would be good with drastic duration increase, but would be thrilled with a lower ultimate cost as well ;)

  • oldkye
    Sadly role player will always be second(if not 5th, 6th, or 7th) to "balance" even if something "should" be able to kill anyone in a single hit allowing it to do that calls for either nerfs or it's removal from the game completely if it can't be balanced(which would me no werewolfs anymore).

    The reason for this is good Balance is how you keep players if you let one group(werewolfs) reign over all other groups they will quit and stop playing thus as the minority your vote and feelings honestly don't matter at the end of the day.(that's the real difference between a single player and MMO game is you voice as a person matters little regardless of what they say otherwise lol.)

    That said werewolf is "Under Performing" but the way they balance it will likely not be the ability to sit in werewolf form it will likely be a lower ultimate cost or longer duration or some stat changes.

    Which means if you want to roll play I suggest going to the werewolf shrine once you change you can stay a werewolf as long as you remain within 10-15 feet of the shrine.
  • DrowsDestiny_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Well i have to say I certainly wasn't saying we should be anything that could one shot people especially not players. I'm all for balance considering (while not in this game yet) I pvp quite heavily, but there has to be away to allow for balance and give us some way to rp as werewolves in werewolf form.
  • oldkye
    Well i have to say I certainly wasn't saying we should be anything that could one shot people especially not players. I'm all for balance considering (while not in this game yet) I pvp quite heavily, but there has to be away to allow for balance and give us some way to rp as werewolves in werewolf form.

    I'd love a werewolf toggle where you could be werewolf all day but from the Devs side of things it's easier to balance it by lowering one number(the transform cost) then giving us a toggle where they would have to re-address each and every passive and skill to make sure you weren't to strong running around as a werewolf 24/7.

    I can't say 100% but I've played dozens of MMO's over 10 years and the Devs always go for the easy fix that's easy to balance they could prove me wrong but even then it could take months if not a year for them to do it and it's already a big "if."

    Sadly this means you wont have it to RP with any time soon.
    Edited by oldkye on May 1, 2014 12:31AM
  • Toorlokviing
    the problem is no one wants to be a werewolf in pvp...and you know why? because of the fighters guild skill line, because we have a *** timer on being a ww, *** bugs that break some parts of being a ww, and on top of that...none of our abilities are used except when in ww form. on top of that...we get a crappy 7d cd for biting other players...while vamps get 1day 1 DAY! we are getting the *** end of the stick. that is aweful. poor programming zos. way to balance things...things are far from balanced for ww. vamps are now said to be op in pvp while we wolfs get stuck in the sidelines and get annally screwed no matter what type of gameplay we choose..ww need a severe makeover and fix. they are almost completely uplayable. and the few moments we get to love our ww is very short. ruins pve, ruins pvp, and ruins rp..they need severe fix
  • robert
    You really want to be Jacob?

    I would rather a forced transformation once you hit the Ultimate requirement, like Lon Chaney .

  • DrowsDestiny_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Screw jacob i wanna be Lucien
  • robert
    Thinking about it. It would even be cooler if WW was strictly a passive ultimate.

    A true curse.
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