Personally , i only saw this in one other game and that is Lineage II. I also saw that other people want this as well , so i figured i would start a poll about it
What would you guys think about the ability to open your own shop , basically a command like "/Shop" where your character sits down and a Shop Marker is placed above his head and when you do this , you select what items you want to sell and then you leave your avatar in the game ( even if you are offline , your character would behave as an NPC shop keeper , players will be able to interact with your character and view what you are selling and buy the stuff they want for the price you set for the items )
Edited by Memnock on April 30, 2014 9:46PM
Player Shops 79 votes
I like the option of being able to open my own shop
Its a dumb idea , I don't think it helps the economy or adds any flavor to the game