WTH with my boot armor showing my toes?!?

Now how am I supposed to be a Dealer of Death while wearing open toe boots!?! As an imperial are there armor boots that wont show my toes? It's only cosmetic I know, but still..it's keelin me! I'm a medium armor, NB, imperial type. I would like for some leather armor to look like plate or heavy armor and I would like my toes to not be shown or to look like bandages wrapped around my feet.. Any suggestions?
If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • AreoHotah
    The style i'm waring looks the best from all medium armors (in my opinion ofc)


    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.

  • Chryos
    That is pretty nice, thanks! I'll give you an awesome!
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Tarwin
    Cobbler cut backs due to the messed up economy, sorry about that
  • Mishoniko
    Maybe all the cobblers in the game are Khajiit? Their foot claws are usable with open toes ... better grip!
  • RylukShouja
    Dem sexy toes bring all the ladies out.
  • NombreDeLaBeast
    Well imperials are based off roman peeps...and roman soldiers had this thing for airing out their toes during battle (guess they never thought about stubbing your toe on some dead guys sword...) I think that later, way later, your character realizes that toe less boots may be a bad idea and gets full boots. But I wear heavy armor so my toes are always snug. (save for one or two pieces.)
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