1. find a node being bot harvested. In stonefalls there are literally dozens being harvested by 2-3 bots each, especially in the evenings
2. report them

3. pull an aoe mob on them. this interrupts the harvest and closes the harvest box if it's open
4. quickly harvest the node yourself, keep the popup box open (ie dont pick up the jute etc). avoid the aoe yourself
5. typically the bots will fight the mob, reposition themselves and start harvesting again so often there IS someone behind the bot looking on. It might be the same person for tons of bots, in fact there is often a lone bot in the middle of the area doing random crouch/jump/etc in the same spot, probably supervising the area
6. get cursed at by bot then cheer as they leave. Yes we did get cursed out, one of them even say'ed out loud asking if addons xyz were properly installed.
I know they are probably just repositioning the bot elsewhere but I've been doing this with a few other people and we managed to lock out a bunch of jutes. The bots did all leave. Unfortunately they returned when the players left.
Still it felt like a small victory. Call it a poor man's pvp but still it made us feel warm and fuzzy.
reality.sys corrupted-reboot universe [y/n] _