All sources of Invisibility?

Hey guys just curious I wanna know all but Nightblade because I'm not it. Thanks!
  • nerevarine1138
    If you aren't a Nightblade, then potions are the only other method I know of (besides the ultimate synergy for one of the Nightblade ultimates).
  • nudel
    Alchemists can make Potions of Invisibility. However, all players of any class can stealth. Crouch [default = Ctrl] and sneak around. For all intents and purposes you are stealthed. In PVP you will be invisible to other players and will only begin to fade in if they get close to you. When this happens, you'll see the iris begin to open slightly, meaning you're being detected.
  • LegendaryPow
    Ahhh thanks! But I'm a vampire I've seen others thay go invisible? How?
  • nudel
    I'm guessing you're referring to Clouding Swarm, which is a morph for the vamp ultimate. I haven't really played enough vamp to try out that ability myself though.
  • LegendaryPow
    Thanks! I'm making invis potions now also
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