List of Addons

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
1. Status Pane - A pane that shows buff and status effects is kind of on page 1 of the MMO handbook. If we could get that going, it'd be swell.
2. Skill Points Spent - Add number of points spent to the skills pane. At the moment, you have to click on a refund stone and divide by 100 to see spent points.
3. Mundus Stone Stats - Increase to maximum Magika, Increase to Spell Penetration, Decrease Spell Damage Taken....Do we see any pertinent information that may be missing from these vague descriptions?
4. Actual Mini-Boss Levels - Please have the actual level of the mini-bosses displayed. If I come across three level 7s at a skull, I don't expect to be running away at level 14.
5. Anchor Purpose - Please give them one.
6. Crafting Set Increase - If you're going to have craftible sets, make the stats worth the effort. It takes nearly a week to craft 4 options into one piece of equipment and that is if you can find four different ones for that particular type. You don't get to research multiples until much later. By that time the stat you get for whatever set you're looking at just doesn't seem to be worth the hassle anymore.
7. Research Types - If I'm focusing on fire staves, please let me research more than one fire staff at a time. I am research the stat from the weapon, not the weapon itself. I already know what a staff is so I shouldn't be limited to doing it one at a time with two or more slots opened.

I had a longer list, but I need to find out where I wrote it down so I'll stop here.
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