I dont think this game is going f2p. However, I honestly do not think it's current state is worth the $15 a month.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »This game is still far away from a F2P state mate.
And, yesterday i did see something that made me think , it might not even go F2P.
While we PC gamers got tons of MMOs to pick from , this is not the case for consoles , so if they make a good job there , it might keep the game P2P even after 1 year.
Source: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/elder-scrolls-online-s-subscription-based-model-is-the-right-decision/1100-6418686/Pete Hines @ Gamespot wrote:"If we're providing the kind of content people want to see where they're like 'This is awesome, I'm having a blast, this new stuff is totally worth it and I’m having fun', then the subscription totally works," he said. "If we're putting out stuff that doesn't make a case for it then we have a problem on our hands and we have failed to meet that value proposition."
Rapscallion74 wrote: »I dont want the game to go F2P either, but I fear it is inevitable. ZOS simply does not have their act together and I fear it's going to bite them in the butt.
Rapscallion74 wrote: »I dont want the game to go F2P either, but I fear it is inevitable. ZOS simply does not have their act together and I fear it's going to bite them in the butt.What makes you say this?
They've been extremely forthright and transparent about their efforts to address known issues, from bots to bugs. They've even had GMs manually making rounds through dungeons to ban bots in front of people, in recent days.
Additionally, I saw a lot of earnest passion in the State of the Game Address that Matt Firor gave. It's unusual to see such a human response from a large company like Zenimax, but certainly not a bad thing.
All evidence I see suggests that the developers of this game have a vested interest in seeing it succeed for more than monetary reasons.
And if it wasn't for NCSoft's Anti-Super Hero bias, City of Heroes would still be going strong and it had converted to free to play w/ a sub option.I hope they do well enough that it doesn't come to that. But if it does, it's not the end of the world. The Secret World went F2P, and they still add content packs (that you pay for: once). Not as many or as often as if they didn't go F2P, but going F2P doesn't necessarily mean a game will become exploitative in the cash department.
No game has ever won the fight against goldsellers, because its a fight against players.
You cant fight people who want to throw money at things instead of playing.
We as a community should not be blaming ZoS for them, because its the fault of the community that such things exist.