The Roll dodge is really poor. Please improve it.

So yea, this is an action mmo. It has a VERY NICE ANIMATION roll dodge..

Yet the utlity of it is nearly ZERO in dungeons due to a fix major issues:
- Has ZERO invulnerability frames.
- -- Now don't get me wrong. I don't want an easy game with a OP roll. I think having a few invulnerability frames would allow you to make a HARDER more challenging game, with boss fights that 1 shot people if they don't dodge correctly. TERA did this extremely well.. ESO just plain doesn't. Would add a lot of of fun if dodging actaully did anything useful. (A friend commented he can dodge roll certain pvp abilities, so maybe its just bugged for PVE? - I timed it PERFECTLY on tons of boss attacks, I always take 100% full damage)
- Stamina cost is insane. For something with zero invuln frames and essentially barely faster movement then sprinting, it should not cost so much. Due to this it's actulaly BAD to use it. Your smarter and better off using defensive skills that cost stamina, or just more dps to end enemies before you end.

Please improve. Drasticly reduce the stamina cost - and make it STATIC. It just feels bad to level up only to have everything cost more and more. Feels like no progress. No progression. At least skills cap out at 50 for costs, So VR lvl up feel nice. But the roll dodge seems to always cost more and more.
I'd suggest a static 150 stamina cost, and perhaps add a general world, or all melee skills passive to reduce the cost to 125/100 for 1/2 skill points.

Perhaps an exponentially expanding cost too, if you use it too frequently. To prevent people from spamming it to gain some kind of invuln without skillful timing. EG: No cooldown, but instead: If you use it again within 3 seconds of the previous one, it costs 50 more stamina then the last. Then 75 more, then 100 more, etc. Cost resets to base if you dont use for 3 seconds.

Add a few invulnerbility frames. Not many, just enough so that very good timing can survive some boss aoe's would be nice. (And up the boss aoe damage to compensate).

Additionally, if you up boss aoe dmg - let us block SOME of them. Seems like 90% of them are unblockable, even melee ones which makes no sense. (Big fire/electric - I get it, cant block.. Melee 360 spin? Block should help some.

Right now due to the unblockable/undodgeable nature of the aoe's, it boils the games combat down to either
A) Tank and span, spam heal thru aoes
B) Range kite to avoid aoes, spam heal for undodgeables.
C) Play a dragonknight and just be invincible anyways.

Not the best design.

Post Craglorn UPDATE:
Looks like they might of took this post to heart a tiny bit:
Dodge roll was improved a fair bit this patch. (There was no patch notes about it, but it's definetely improved)

- Now has 100% priority over all other skills (that I've tried - with the exception of the templar healing ultimate, though that may be WAI)
- Initial animation speed and activation speed increased GREATLY, around 50% - near instant now. Overall animation feels a tad faster too, perhaps up 10%

With these upgrades it now has SOME use. It's now possible to dodge many boss aoes at the last moment, and it's faster then sprinting.

However I still feel it's underpowered. Having it be stronger would allow for more challenging and more fun dungeons and trials, with mechanics you MUST dodge or you die. Currently the dungeons and evne the trials never require using the roll dodge, it can help a bit sure, but is never really neccesary to win.

Mainly it needs imo a far lower stamina cost, and at least a few invulnerability frames to work against bloody heat seeking projectiles, and the fact the game can lag pretty badly at times in ways that makes it really unfair in certain fights.

This would also help balance against DKs rather overpowered ability to auto reflect all projectives for a set time. As currently, in the trial - that does insane dps against the boss, and makes other tanks way too behind. Especially considering Templars similar ability - eclipse, bosses are immune too.
Edited by Axer on May 27, 2014 3:10PM
Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Ralathar44
    I've found it perfectly useful.

    I've also found that boss PBAOE's are much harder for Melee to dodge than ranged of course, but you still have time to get out of range if you are quick and dodges help with that still.

    Dodge is primarily a quick movement skill that allows you to suddenly get out of the way. It is not, as in some games, LOLZ I dodged so the fireball that blew up the area does not touch me.

    That being said, I'm not opposed to dodges negating 10% of AOE damage. Lets sya because you are covering more vital parts, presenting a smaller profile, or presenting less resistance since you are already airborne if you need logic :D.

    This would help those that didn't time the roll right or just plain couldn't escape in time so you could roll to help survive the damage. Not enough to be worth it on it's own as something you rely on to defend yourself, but helpful nonetheless and would help lead people into learning how and when to dodge better :D.
    Edited by Ralathar44 on April 27, 2014 9:17AM
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • MoMoOG
    The biggest problem with dodge currently is that it does not cancel ability animations the same way shield block/bash does. It does cancel light/heavy attacks but that is not enough to make dodge useful/responsive. Feels extremely lame getting stuck in an animation and not being able to dodge roll a boss telegraph (Flurry!).

    It would also make it much more useful in pvp. For example right now there is no counter play to gap closers because you don't know when an attack is coming. More then likely you are animation locked when an attack comes and so you are unable to dodge roll even if you are able to react to the attack fast enough.
    Edited by MoMoOG on April 27, 2014 9:21AM
  • Ralathar44
    I'll agree with the animation canceling. Roll dodge needs top priority.
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    I happen to use dodge roll in many situation with my Sorcerer, a guy ready to throw a knife while the other tries to overpower you? Not a problem you roll to the guy throwing the knife and you save precious health and stamina for doing so! :smile:

    I only have some issues in dongeons with AoEs, sometimes, because I need to dodge out of it as fast as possible but I get locked in animations wich prevents me from dodging out of it.

    Finaly, beeing able to dodge roll around your foes back like Link feels super epic! :grinning:
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    biggest issue with roll is that it cost stamina, hurts stamina focused builds(yes all use magicka) but what if it cost magicka instead you wouldnt be to glad right?

    it should have a seperate bar, also it takes % of stamina. so no matter how much stamina you have you still lose the same amount % of rolling so it hurts even more stamina based chars resources to roll.
  • Axer
    I happen to use dodge roll in many situation with my Sorcerer, a guy ready to throw a knife while the other tries to overpower you? Not a problem you roll to the guy throwing the knife and you save precious health and stamina for doing so! :smile:

    I only have some issues in dongeons with AoEs, sometimes, because I need to dodge out of it as fast as possible but I get locked in animations wich prevents me from dodging out of it.

    Finaly, beeing able to dodge roll around your foes back like Link feels super epic! :grinning:

    Guessing your referring 100% to pvp.

    You guys really need to preface your posts about that.

    Because no. You plain and simply CANNOT dodge roll the guy who tosses a knife at you. Knives in pve are HEAT SEEKING. Not even the most perfect dodge roll will have any impact on their damage. They always hit you.

    Arrows are too. Pretty hilariously so. You can 100% max speed sprint + expeditious retreat buff, AND dodge roll, only to have the arrow do a 360 and hunt you down. They are 100% heat seeking, unbridgeable. Try it. It's nonsense.

    Same applies to destruction staff bolts. Casters will literally cast them through their own stomachs, make them do a 360, loop around a corner and STILL hit you. Dodging is plain impossible. (You can reflect these tho, with appropriate skills - one of which costs stamina and is the far better choice vs any caster that uses these - defensive posture).

    Some of the pvp versions are dodgeable yes. But good luck if your in a big campaign with out laggy cyrodil gets sometimes.

    You've simply not done enough dungeons if you think the dodge roll is at all usefull.

    The challenging VR dungeons you simply won't use it. You will sprint out of the way instead because the time lost from rolling, and stamina cost, just aren't worth it.

    Even for magicka builds like sorcerers. Smart sorcerers use magicka like crazy and then use dark exchange to get more (trades stamina).

    It's just never efficient to use them in dungeons. And plain stupid if your melee.

    Post a video where you use one in a dungeon and ill explain a better tactic and why you shouldnt of used it.

    The cost is simply too high, and the benefit too low.

    A few invuln frames won't make the game too easy, nor will it be silly "oh I dodge the fireball" while getting hit.

    The games VERY fast paced. people WILL NOT dodge all the fireballs. They will stil die. Especially if they up the damage so dodging some will be required.
    Edited by Axer on April 27, 2014 1:05PM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Axer
    Ralathar44 wrote: »
    I've found it perfectly useful.

    I've also found that boss PBAOE's are much harder for Melee to dodge than ranged of course, but you still have time to get out of range if you are quick and dodges help with that still.
    It's not harder.
    For most of the VR dungeons stronger boss aoes. It's plain impossible.

    If you activate the perfect exact moment the boss does it's tell (And you need to see it's tell, because all bosses have random patterns). You will STILL get hit. It simply does not cover enough range.

    That and they don't deal enough damage for a tank melee to care. I just laugh at the aoe's personally and ignore them. Same with the melee dps in my guild. They only pose threats to 100% glass cannon builds (which are pretty worthless in this games tough content).

    If you need to use it on a ranged character - you plain and simply screwed up badly by standing way too close in the first place. And chances are you would of been better off using a stamina based defensive skill instead - like evasion.
    Edited by Axer on April 27, 2014 1:10PM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Ralathar44
    Axer wrote: »
    If you need to use it on a ranged character - you plain and simply screwed up badly by standing way too close in the first place. And chances are you would of been better off using a stamina based defensive skill instead - like evasion.

    To be fair the first time I used it on a ranged character was dodging the basic attacks of the Banished Cells boss. I've used it to dodge some other ranged attacks too. Not all ranged attacks seem to be heat seeking.
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Axer wrote: »
    I happen to use dodge roll in many situation with my Sorcerer, a guy ready to throw a knife while the other tries to overpower you? Not a problem you roll to the guy throwing the knife and you save precious health and stamina for doing so! :smile:

    I only have some issues in dongeons with AoEs, sometimes, because I need to dodge out of it as fast as possible but I get locked in animations wich prevents me from dodging out of it.

    Finaly, beeing able to dodge roll around your foes back like Link feels super epic! :grinning:

    Guessing your referring 100% to pvp.

    You guys really need to preface your posts about that.

    Because no. You plain and simply CANNOT dodge roll the guy who tosses a knife at you. Knives in pve are HEAT SEEKING. Not even the most perfect dodge roll will have any impact on their damage. They always hit you.

    Arrows are too. Pretty hilariously so. You can 100% max speed sprint + expeditious retreat buff, AND dodge roll, only to have the arrow do a 360 and hunt you down. They are 100% heat seeking, unbridgeable. Try it. It's nonsense.

    Same applies to destruction staff bolts. Casters will literally cast them through their own stomachs, make them do a 360, loop around a corner and STILL hit you. Dodging is plain impossible. (You can reflect these tho, with appropriate skills - one of which costs stamina and is the far better choice vs any caster that uses these - defensive posture).

    Some of the pvp versions are dodgeable yes. But good luck if your in a big campaign with out laggy cyrodil gets sometimes.

    You've simply not done enough dungeons if you think the dodge roll is at all usefull.

    The challenging VR dungeons you simply won't use it. You will sprint out of the way instead because the time lost from rolling, and stamina cost, just aren't worth it.

    Even for magicka builds like sorcerers. Smart sorcerers use magicka like crazy and then use dark exchange to get more (trades stamina).

    It's just never efficient to use them in dungeons. And plain stupid if your melee.

    Post a video where you use one in a dungeon and ill explain a better tactic and why you shouldnt of used it.

    The cost is simply too high, and the benefit too low.

    A few invuln frames won't make the game too easy, nor will it be silly "oh I dodge the fireball" while getting hit.

    The games VERY fast paced. people WILL NOT dodge all the fireballs. They will stil die. Especially if they up the damage so dodging some will be required.

    You Sir are wrong,

    And no, I'm not even speaking about PvP but my PvE experience so far

    This mostly recent video made shows my lvl 42 Khajiit dodging out of your so called "guy who tosses the knife at you"

    So I must unfortunatly tell you again, Sir, how misplaced you were and refuse any proposal of advice and "better tactics" you may so kindly offer.

    I present you fair days, Sir, and may god bless your soul! :smile:
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on April 27, 2014 4:10PM
  • Utherix
    Roll never works for me, I always seem to take the damage anyways. Its only good for getting out of AoEs.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Utherix wrote: »
    Roll never works for me, I always seem to take the damage anyways. Its only good for getting out of AoEs.

    Well dodge is a bit tricky to pull off, but the first thing to do is to relocate it somewhere on your keyboard (I personnaly use "v" like in GW2). Double tap is clunky and won't get you anywhere.

    Also dodge isn't always the best option against AoEs because some have very big radius and you won't be able to dodge out of the way.

    Dodge is something you usualy want to use to escape multiple tells in PvE, for instance if a monster use Overpower (or just call it the heavy 2-handed swing), while another foe prepares to toss a knife at you. You can actualy get out of range with the quick burst of speed from the heavy attack and dodge the knife at the same time wich meens you didn't took any dmg and this for a small amount of stamina. You might also block it, but you would still loose a good chunk of stamina and health and you might also get hit by additional light attacks wich you do not want to block.

    Some bosses also throw projectiles at you that stuns or knocks you around.
    Question : is it preferable to spend a bit of stamina to avoid heavy dmg and a stun or do you rely on a stunbreaker (wich cost even more base stamina) and your healer for an emergency heal? Not to mention, when you actualy wear a full set of medium armour the cost is greatly reduced so why not use it if it can spare ressources later for a fight?

    Lastly, dodge breaks roots, and in some situation you will be rooted by foes using the DK ability Dark Talons. But I found out it was possible to reflect the NPC version on the caster and his friends with the Templar ability Eclipse power. (very funny to watch)

    To conclude, dodge is a power on its own, it has great utility in some situations but it is not something you should spam all day, and it is definitly not its purpose to be like that.

    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on April 27, 2014 4:34PM
  • Axer
    So I must unfortunatly tell you again, Sir, how misplaced you were and refuse any proposal of advice and "better tactics" you may so kindly offer.

    I present you fair days, Sir, and may god bless your soul! :smile:

    Nice video.
    Better tactic:
    Ignore the shuriken and kill the mob faster - you were in zero danger. It was an insanely easy dumb single solo mob. You could of killed it faster by not dodging and suffered no consequence, as your health would of auto reneged to full before the next encounter.

    And yea. Didn't look anything like the daggers/darts/arrows im talking about. That was some kinda shuriken. Nice to know it's dodge able, but all the VR content i've tested lately - plain not dodge able - heat seeking.

    So yea, thanks for the kind blessing, but I'm afraid a blessing from Akatosh himself won't change the fact i'm plain and simply right here.

    I invite you to continue to Veteran rank and try your best to find a useful situation in that content and do another video though. I can't say I have high hopes, but doesn't hurt to try.
    Edited by Axer on April 28, 2014 8:36AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Axer
    Ok since the post I've faced the final VR dungeon I did not do yet:

    VR Elden Hollow.

    And amazingly, they actually put in a mechanic where roll dodge is not only useful, but damn-near required to win:

    The boss does a tell (Roars) then shoots fire into the air, at all party members. The party must then roll dodge to avoid it.

    However it's very clearly a kludge-coding mechanic, and ACTUALLY dodging the fire DOESN'T WORK.

    If you time the dodge roll perfectly so you avoid the fire at the last moment:
    The fire still appears. You still suffer damage. You may wipe as the fire stays forever (until a later special attack of the boss).

    The way it works, is if you time it POORLY - right after the roar.. The fire never appears at all. It's rather silly to be honest.

    So yea guess I was wrong, there is one situation where the roll is useful. But not for the right reasons. And only because it was specifically coded in that way.

    And honestly, it's a mechanic that just further penalizes stamina builds (which are already plain inferior to magicka for dps). Being a tank, it actaully meant that I could not use my standard shield taunt, nor block many attacks - I had to fully commit my stamina bar to only roll dodge. Pretty limiting and not fun.

    The roll should be useful because it well does what it's title implies - Lets you dodge.

    Currently, it's not useful for dodge.

    It's only use is slightly faster movement in rare situations. As a tool to dodge strong attacks, it's just garbage in it's current form.
    Edited by Axer on April 28, 2014 8:39AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Axer wrote: »
    So I must unfortunatly tell you again, Sir, how misplaced you were and refuse any proposal of advice and "better tactics" you may so kindly offer.

    I present you fair days, Sir, and may god bless your soul! :smile:

    Nice video.
    Better tactic:
    Ignore the shuriken and kill the mob faster - you were in zero danger. It was an insanely easy dumb single solo mob. You could of killed it faster by not dodging and suffered no consequence, as your health would of auto reneged to full before the next encounter.

    And yea. Didn't look anything like the daggers/darts/arrows im talking about. That was some kinda shuriken. Nice to know it's dodge able, but all the VR content i've tested lately - plain not dodge able - heat seeking.

    So yea, thanks for the kind blessing, but I'm afraid a blessing from Akatosh himself won't change the fact i'm plain and simply right here.

    I invite you to continue to Veteran rank and try your best to find a useful situation in that content and do another video though. I can't say I have high hopes, but doesn't hurt to try.

    Yeah, I could have killed him faster, but that was not the point of the video. :wink:

  • ArRashid
    Aye, I agree roll dodge should provide more invulnerability frames and have it's cost reduced.
    I've tried to use it a few times, then gave up on it - not worth it. Unless you are stuck in a LONG animation that causes you to walk (unable to sprint) - like being stuck in destro staff heavy animation after just CLICKING for light, you gotta roll dodge. Otherwise sprint will get you out cheaper and probably even faster.

    But increasing damage would be rather stupid (what is this, WoW?), as VR damage is already at the very line of frustration. Also draining all your stamina (weapon skills/blocking/dodging/sprinting) in combat would mean certain death.
  • Rousseaux
    Dodge is useless until ranged attacks are homing.
  • AlexDougherty
    Utherix wrote: »
    Roll never works for me, I always seem to take the damage anyways. Its only good for getting out of AoEs.
    Fifty-fifty for me, oddly it doesn't seem to matter whether I'm in the damage zone or not, I been damaged when well clear, and avoided when I dodged into the zone.

    Basically the collision mechanics are shot, or at least that's what I'm seeing.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Rousseaux wrote: »
    Dodge is useless until ranged attacks are homing.

    Have you seen my video? I have dodged a homing shuriken tossed at me. And you can do the same with every projectiles in this game (yes even if they are homing at you)

    What does dodge actualy do? It puts a 100% dodge frame for the duration of your roll and it gives a small burst of mobility. But how does a dodge buff works overall? It puts a hit check on every melee and ranged projectile abilities in the game. The hitcheck is done when the skill animation is finished (not when the projectile travels at you!).

    If you want to effectively dodge in this game, you need to put the dodge buff before the the hitcheck is already done. So to avoid any damage done by projectiles you have to dodge before the end of an attack animation. If you don't do that you will still be hit. That's why some of them will still miss you after your dodging animation because the hitcheck was done while you had 100% dodge chance but the projectile came later and considered as a miss.

    I hope it clears it out.

    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on April 30, 2014 11:42AM
  • Ralathar44
    Rousseaux wrote: »
    Dodge is useless until ranged attacks are homing.

    Have you seen my video? I have dodged a homing shuriken tossed at me. And you can do the same with every projectiles in this game (yes even if they are homing at you)

    What does dodge actualy do? It puts a 100% dodge frame for the duration of your roll and it gives a small burst of mobility. But how does a dodge buff works overall? It puts a hit check on every melee and ranged projectile abilities in the game. The hitcheck is done when the skill animation is finished (not when the projectile travels at you!).

    If you want to effectively dodge in this game, you need to put the dodge buff before the the hitcheck is already done. So to avoid any damage done by a ranged projectile skill you have to dodge before the end of an attack animation. If you don't do that you will still be hit. That's why some ranged will miss you after your dodging aniamtion because the hitcheck was done during the dodge animation but the projectile afteward and was considered as a miss.

    I hope it clears it out.

    Yup, this is not uncommon hit checking behavior. It's why almost every MMORPG out there lets you get hit by wall piercing arrows and homing fireballs. The hit check is done before the animation is, making it appear to curve in flight when in fact is never took into account the animation travel time to start with.

    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Utherix wrote: »
    Roll never works for me, I always seem to take the damage anyways. Its only good for getting out of AoEs.
    Fifty-fifty for me, oddly it doesn't seem to matter whether I'm in the damage zone or not, I been damaged when well clear, and avoided when I dodged into the zone.

    Basically the collision mechanics are shot, or at least that's what I'm seeing.

    That's because the hitcheck on AoE works a bit before you get damaged by its animation, so if you get out in extremis from one of those it will check first if you were inside of it at the end of the cast, wich you were, and later apply its delayed animation and damage you wich can explain why you were hit by the AoE but not inside of the circle when the explosion occured.
  • Axer
    If you want to effectively dodge in this game, you need to put the dodge buff before the the hitcheck is already done.

    The problem with this mantra is it's 100% contradictory to the definition fo the word itself, and plain 100% NOT FUN.

    avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.
    "we ducked inside our doorway to dodge shrapnel that was raining down"
    synonyms: dart, bolt, dive, lunge, leap, spring More
    elude, evade, avoid, escape, run away from, lose, shake (off), jink;
    informalgive someone the slip, ditch
    move quickly to one side or out of the way.
    "Adam dodged between the cars"
    avoid (something) in a cunning or dishonest way.
    "he went after people who had either dodged the war or invented a record in it"
    synonyms: avoid, evade, get out of, back out of, sidestep, do an end run; More
    expose (one area of a print) less than the rest during processing or enlarging.
    noun: dodge; plural noun: dodges
    a sudden quick movement to avoid someone or something.

    What your talking about is called patern recognition. You are reacting to something before it happens because you know the patern of the enemy.

    You actually are not dodging anything like what you showed in the video. You can't. The attacks are too fast, and the dodge is too slow/no invuln frames. You are pre-empting them. It's not the same thing.

    Due to unfixable/unmitigatable nature of online games, some degree of give needs to be allowed. The give should be invulnerbility frame,s to take into account the fact by the time that shuriken/arrow/etc shows up on your screne, it's actually already hit you on the server.

    And I found the specific enemy you did this on and tested extensively. You simply can't "DODGE" that shuriken. Not doable with my latency anyways. Not by any real human. Also counter intuivively - that forward dodge roll you performed is the most effect one. Realisticly you'd expect going to the side would work well? But no, the homing reacts better to the side to side movement, then the verticle, so you still almost always get hit.

    You can certainly pre-empt it. Sure. Learn the paterns, react before it happens.
    But if you actaully dodge perfectly as a REACTION (to the attack itself, not the patern). You still get hit.

    Thats poor.
    Edited by Axer on April 30, 2014 1:22PM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Romboldt
    Roll dodge NEEDS to interrupt any and all other animations/abilities, and it needs a cost reduction. As a player who has been primarily tanking I've given up trying to roll out of danger because it isn't worth it. It's easier, more reliable, and more efficient to sprint.
  • guterreeb17_ESO
    I still think attaching roll dodge and cc break to stamina is bad move they should just made seperate thing that allowed for 2 cc breaks or 2 dodge rolls (or 1 cc break 1 dodge roll) with the respective imunity timer and that regenerates over time.

    Something like you CC break you get 5 sec immunity 1 bar needs 30 secs to regen,after the 5 sec imunity ends you get CC you break it gain the other bar is spent another 30ces for that bar to regen, same with dodge roll or mix of dodge and CC break

    that way you can actualy use stamina for your utilities and dmg and block
  • Rhythmic
    Roll doge is awesome,and its incredibly useful.
    Try to use it before start topics on forum.
  • xxslam48xxb14_ESO
    I dont know if anyone said this yet, but you want to roll before the enemy finishes its cast/ swing or it hits you anyways for the most part. It gets a bit weird and unreliable if you try to roll a fireball in mid flight so make sure you roll before it gets cast and it will miss 100% of the time. Also save stamina for roll and sprint because most stamina moves are kinda meh and just waste stamina you could be using for defense. Just make sure your stamina bar never tops off during a fight or your wasting stamina, thats why people say to have a stamina dump ability! So use stamina if its capping, but save some for your rolls. Also depending on the boss fight you might not even need to roll so you can use a bit more stamina on attacks, so keep that in mind.

    Hope my post helps you guys use the roll better, its an invaluable tool in veteran content! A lot of misinformation in here trust me it doesn't need a buff.

    I think what finally made me learn how to use it was watching the "assassin/thief" type npcs that roll your power attacks. They always roll before your attack actually shoots off and thats why it works for the npcs. You got to watch your opponent closely and have fast reflexes, but once you get it down it becomes stupidly useful!
    Edited by xxslam48xxb14_ESO on May 1, 2014 3:21AM
    I wrote a poem that I titled, "The ganker's delight."

    As you lay upon the ground, cry not little pawn.
    The pain will pass as quickly as my blade did take you,
    but my delight will last and you will respawn.
    My heart simply cannot contain my joy, when I ply my trade.

    The fault lies with you, your skill was lacking.
    Now your salt is mine forever, can't you hear the laughing?
    Once you were so proud and now you are reduced to this.
    A miserable, loud deuced fool.

    With every tear you drip, with every excuse you let slip.
    All of your insecurities and worries bring a smile to my lip.
    From your despair I have ripped endless glories,
    but our affair is over now. Be afraid for I will return for more.

    I have received many titles, to my allies I am The sniper Emperor and Grand champion hero of the Pact. However these titles mean little to me, it is the ones given to me by my victims that I prefer. To them I am "Xv1er", "trash", "no balls", "zerger", "noob", "cringe", "no skill", "camper", "100% new", "the reason this game is dying", "pathetic", "a sack of piece of [snip]", "mediocre", "absolute inbred", "beyond a virgin", "ganky dork", "fat smelly 40yr old virgin", "little girl", "daddy", "exploiting loser", and every [snipped] word known to man.
  • Axer
    Rhythmic wrote: »
    Roll doge is awesome,and its incredibly useful.
    Try to use it before start topics on forum.

    Oh yea oops sorry I forgot to actually ever try to use it before posting. Right.
    Edited by Axer on May 1, 2014 6:55AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Axer
    Hope my post helps you guys use the roll better, its an invaluable tool in veteran content! A lot of misinformation in here trust me it doesn't need a buff.

    Currently VR10. Completed every single dungeon achievement in the game. Every VR dungeon in under 10 minutes instead of the 20 they ask, completed 150 anchors, every world boss.

    Not a single time outside of that 1 silly mechanic in elden hollow have I EVER felt I it smart to use the dodge roll.

    Sure I've used it some, but it was always in reaction to huge mistakes made, not as a "invalubable tool" EG: I get a snare or game bug that causes me to move slower - Ill use it some. But really I could instead use retreating maneuver and move MUCH faster, for a much longer duration. (And I shouldnt be perma slowed by game bugs in the first place, or be getting hit by snares at the wrong moments)

    It's a garbage tool which is never really worth using if you care to play the game at the highest levels. There is always a better, more stamina effecient way to get the same or better results.
    Edited by Axer on May 12, 2014 4:28PM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • adesanawa
    I've noticed this as well, I've never inclined to use dodge roll at all, other than a fast escape from aoe, instead of backpedaling, but as people said here, it needs to be able to cancel all other animations.

    And I agree with OP on how TERA's implement of roll dodge, the dodge the cost so much more than the roll here and has its own bar, separate from other resources, but they are much more reliable, since they make you immune during the duration.
    As for people saying that it would make the game too easy, sure, if you know how to time it properly. If not, you'll be spamming dodge button and lost all the resource in matter of seconds and it's not like it's that easy to time the dodge, it still take some practice and memorizing.

    The other reason I agree with OP's idea is because melee players are at a disadvantage here compared to ranged players when it comes to dodging. Sure I don't mind the normal aoes or cones, but it's those really huge AOEs that you have to run so far just to dodge.
    Successful dodge is one thing, but even if you managed to dodge it, the distance lost between you and the boss just from the running away is quite considerable. While ranged DPS can immediately start dishing out damage, melees has to run back to the boss again, if the boss didn't pull out another AOE while they're running back that is.
    Yes I know there are gap closers like ambush, but not everyone is using those skills.

    If the dodge really has an invincibility window, melee DPS don't have to run all the way to the back, as long as they dodge it at the right time, they're safe and can continue dishing out damage.
    Not to mention some armor sets actually supports this. The Skirmisher's Bite medium armor set gives you 10% more damage after a roll dodge. Sure you can do it now, but there just aren't enough incentives to do it, but with this, it'll be like a momentum bonus for that successful dodge.

    Those are my opinion on this matter, hopefully it could help in any way.
  • KORJ



    Watch and Learn Zeni, what is dodge, and how it should work.

  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    KORJ wrote: »

    Watch and Learn Zeni, what is dodge, and how it should work.

    What's your point?
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