Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

You are unique and special! Now go be a faceless drone in a raid. (some ending spoilers)

I'm sick and tired of MMOs with storylines doing this.

At the end of the main quest we're flat out told our characters are awesome, unique and wonderful. We have the power to lead armies, the attention of all (ALL mind you) the Daedric Princes (not even the Champion of Cyrodiil got that and she/he *is* a Daedric Prince).

Yes ESO does a little better by adding the solo content of the other factions, but the fact remains, you are thrust from the spotlight into being another cog in the MMO machine because once again we have another developer concentrating on raids and solely on raids.

Stop doing this. Stop inflating the importance of a character for no reason just to ignore that and make it obvious we're one among many or, if you must insist on doing this then provide relevant solo content updates so we don't feel like it's just a hollow lie when the real rewards are and always will be in raids.
  • Xaei
    But then you got everyone complaining there's no endgame, the game has no group content, and blah blah blah.

    Just look at the MMO market. What's the most hyped-up game at the moment? Wildstar. And what does that game involve? I don't even need to answer.
  • Arnathis
    So you want all solo content in an mmo?

    Find a new genre please.
  • Rayadrel
    Arnathis wrote: »
    So you want all solo content in an mmo?

    Find a new genre please.

    Read what I said please. I have no time for trolls.
  • knaveofengland
    oh my a planet zog moment ,
  • Xaei
    The problem is that when you have 12 man content, how do you make your character stand out?
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