Crush it is a group of highly skilled players that play hard to crush the most challenging pve content, especially the trials. We will do pvp nights too tho it isn't the focus, so we have allied with some larger guilds for that.
The main focus will be crushing the trials currently, and soon the crypt of hearts veteran dungeon. We try to run the trial every single night to learn them and get as much experience in as we can. Though ideally the main focus will be scheduled runs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7PM EST.
Since the trials are still new, and we are still learning and trying to get a solid team on scheduled runs to get completions in, we will be running them most every night, if there is enough interest.
The guild will remain small and focused, so as to allow most of us to go on the craglorn trial together when it comes out. Currently aiming at around 35-48 active, v12 players.
So yea we are fairly hardcore when it comes to playing hard and winning, but playing 24/7 isn't required, nor being online at all really. We have lots of gamers with very active real lives so often people won't make some of the raids. That's perfectly fine with us as long as you make an effort. Play when you want, but play with us and crush it.
You're interest should be aimed at the hardest content, the trials. You should want to play with us as much as often in them to attempt to do well.
So some expectation of making some raids is here, but not a lot. 25% attendance is acceptable, but you should strive for more if you can fit them in.
Currently we are the third guild in EP-NA to complete the Aetherian Archives trial, and 2nd to complete hel ra. And we managed it with a VR5 and VR7 in the group, really only 4 members were actually capped. Our ability to adapt and clench victory even in the direst of circumstances should put us up as one of the top guilds with a shot at server first for the next trial released, and best times.
Only hard rule is to come on raids, during scheduled raid nights - if your online. They currently are: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 7PM EST. (PvP Night is sunday, and we do quite well at pvp, tho it is not the guilds focus, thus optional)
If your new to the guild, and have little experience in the trials, you should try to come every night to learn them. Off nights won't have our best players, might have to pug some slots, but the experience you get will still be vital.
Currently seeking:
-Dragonknights: Uber DPS awesome dragonkights. Preferably 100% magicka spec'd with Destro staff leveld, but any weapon is ok long as your skill and dps spec'd. Tank spec's DK willing to convert will also be taken, we have an incredible amount of gold and other resources, we can easily get you outfitted correctly for dps with a fast respec and our crafters help.
Sorcerer: Uber DPS sorcerers. You will be expected to be flexible, and max out both destruction and restoration staff. The trial demands both.
Templar: Healer only, and V10+. We have many top skilled templar healers in the guild, though some can't always make the raid times, so there are room for more.
NB: Healer with Veil of Blades and a good attitude. DPS perhaps if you can solo the reapers march storm atronach.
-Ebonheart Pact - NA Server
-VR8+ (and leveling fast enough to be VR12 in a reasonable time - we can help you do that)
-Have mumble installed and a mic (I have a server for the guild)
-Never give up attitude. Willing to devote 2 hours to trials on scheduled runs. And at least 1 hour to dungeons/non scheduled trials here and there.
-Consider yourself a skilled gamer with a strong build.
-Ingame tryout.
/tell Axer to tryout. I'm on a lot, tho can't guarantee any kind of speed in getting you in a run to try, but I will try.
Edited by Axer on June 29, 2014 12:39PM Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)