redo quest save/reload equivalent

Soul Shriven
I'm a big fan of the elderscroll series, my main interest in the game is the role-play fantasy aspect, questing through the great story-telling wich this game provides.

In a single player game I can try out different choices and consequences to accomplish a quest, I can make all the tests I want and explore various results with save/reload. It really annoys me that I can't do it in ESO.

My suggestion is to have a menu to select a quest you previously done before and reset it so you can do it again. You dont get the rewards of course, but you can alter the ingame conclusion you had. Sometimes you missclic, chose rapidly without thinking, or it just feels the choice you made doesn't fit your character.

For obvious reasons a save/reload option is not possible in a MMO, but the option to redo a specific quest would do the trick to salvage choices a player makes and regrets.

  • Rayadrel
    Your main interest is the roleplay aspect and yet you want to essentially save scum.

  • 7788b14_ESO
    That's why I like GW2, all quests, except for main story are repeatable.
  • Xaei
    GW2 didn't have any quests ._.

    Well, there's dynamic events but they didn't exactly let you make any choices.

    Anyhow, that would be nice, and also solve another, bigger problem: playing with friends.
  • Allielieu
    I agree T.T! Recently I just finished a quest involving Telecar and his son Calion, in conclusion I accidently picked the wrong option making Calion hate me. I know this may seem a little extreme but I want everyone to like me T.T. Jokes aside this would be a really good option for players, and I wouldn't mind paying either.
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