ESO Necromancer (DAoC Bonedancer)

I personally loved the Bonedancer in DAoC, being able to customize multiple skeleton minions between damage / healing / and ranged damage was a blast and made a very complex but effective pet based class.
I'd personally love this to be one of the next classes brought into the ESO fold.
I know some ex-DAoC are here and know what I'm talking about.
  • Danarchist
    Not sure if it was a mod or not, but in Skyrim my mage had a weapon that had a chance to summon a skeleton from any humanoid I killed. Something similar to that would be great
  • TeliosMadronin
    Sounds like it is time for you to head back to DAoC rather than changing this game to be the same as a game you left.

    There are plenty of bugs with the current skill lines that should be completely fixed before we go adding more.
  • Harming
    Sounds like it is time for you to head back to DAoC rather than changing this game to be the same as a game you left.

    There are plenty of bugs with the current skill lines that should be completely fixed before we go adding more.

    Ah trust me if DAoC was still kicking if still be playing it. It's simply on life support now beacuse of its old age and outdated ui. But many of the devs fr DAoC have moved to the ESO team, which is why I'm making the suggestions.
    Also it's never really good for a games population to suggest people leave the game, if you want your game to thrive try beg welcoming or posative to the community. Most forums are toxic and they simply don't have to be.
  • kelebra
    Like good old Rift pvp forum's
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    problem with old daoc fan:s they dont understand how horrible it actually was,
    most players that played them was horrible at pvp also.

    Both mechanicly and skillwise.

    anyway an NPC/AI based class is problematic, both skillwise and mechanicwise to balance, so i can guarantee you, you wont ever see it in this game.

    play sorcerer for now, you got your pets hehe :D
  • KoooZ
    problem with old daoc fan:s they dont understand how horrible it actually was,
    most players that played them was horrible at pvp also.

    Both mechanicly and skillwise.

    anyway an NPC/AI based class is problematic, both skillwise and mechanicwise to balance, so i can guarantee you, you wont ever see it in this game.

    play sorcerer for now, you got your pets hehe :D

    True, though there's a lot of love I have for necromancy thanks to D2 so I'd overlook at 9 times out of 10.

    But... you say that about AI, then point out summons with sorc? That contradicts your argument...
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