I killed him as a rank10 vampire on my alt.crai7er_boy_4lif3b16_ESO wrote: »i'm a vampire khajiit nightblade dual-wield. I got full vr1 gear i can't even bring him down to 75% health.
you simply cannot avoid the blue fire he shots, not with block not with dodge...
when he swings his weapon even if you are 10 feet away from him dodging he stil hits you
i'm using potions, i've eaten food. i don't know what else to do. i've never encountered a more annoying fight before.i'm out of gold to repair my gear soon.
PS : not to mention that light that comes out of your armor, it brightens all the screen hurts my eyes...
Try "Strife" spell. As you're dealing tons of damage during this encounter but your health isn't changed, you won't drop below 90% health.
Strife will not help you.crai7er_boy_4lif3b16_ESO wrote: »sounds nice. problem is i've gathered all the skyshards in non vr area so i have no more skill points to alocate. so i either have to respec ( wich will cost me at least 10k i think) or go to cyrodiil and get some skyshards.
thank you all for helping me out.
ALSO what mundus stone do you guys think it will be best for this battle??
Because it is a very small regen, the magicka used in casting this will only give small amounts of health, there are many other abilities that would be better in the action bar than this, aswell as ones that would be of better use when conserving magicka.Please develop.
Because it is a very small regen, the magicka used in casting this will only give small amounts of health, there are many other abilities that would be better in the action bar than this, aswell as ones that would be of better use when conserving magicka.Please develop.
Pretty sure i outlined a large list above of things that would make fighting Molag Baal easier.
Strife is weak in damage and weak in health regen, against a fight that has alot of fire attacks, it will do very little to help.
Im not sure why this ability was specifically suggested by you, and im not sure you have even killed Molag Baal as a vampire to know what it is like.
- Phase 2 is the hard part, you need to use the rocks as cover to avoid the dragons he summons, their fire bolts hurt.
- Blocking is a reflect missile, so you can block all fire bolts from the adds, because you wear the amulet of kings, it enhances block.
Nah it doesn't. not sure if you're a vampire.Strife description : Deals X Magic Damage and heals player for 25% of the damage inflicted, every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
If I remember well, during this combat, you have a buff which strongly increase your damage (like x10), so that the regen provided by this spell is insane.
It worked for me.
Try "Strife" spell. As you're dealing tons of damage during this encounter but your health isn't changed, you won't drop below 90% health.
mischab16_ESO2 wrote: »This fight is no problem at all if you have some movement skills, and the mobs spawned during the fight are easy to kill with that insane dmg buff you get there.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »mischab16_ESO2 wrote: »This fight is no problem at all if you have some movement skills, and the mobs spawned during the fight are easy to kill with that insane dmg buff you get there.
The OP actually had a fair point, but it sounds like he figured out the strategy.
But a vampire without a fire-resist piece of jewelry is absolutely screwed when those adds come down unless they're very fast or very lucky. Three of the Titans' fire attacks hitting you at once will kill most players, even if they've hit the health soft-cap.
hood3311_ESO wrote: »P.S. Those huge fire-balls that Molog throws when you're making your way to him are a pain. Sometimes they seemed like homing missiles, insta-killing me about 10 times as I hopelessly tried to run and jump out of the way.
Hm, I suppose I could get a staff, but what makes the restoration staff more viable than a bow in this situation? Also, I am a DK, so I don't have "Strife" or know what it does. Do you know if we have any abilities that are similar? Thanks!crai7er_boy_4lif3b16_ESO wrote: »ok so this is what i did.
1.used staff of restoration crafted by me, white quality, lvl 50 (shooting from affar and mooving)
2.used a piece of jewelry with 1k+ fire resist enchant on it
3.the only spell i used was STRIFE every 10 seconds on an enemy (you wont even drop under 50% health)
4.when titans came i just stood still and block, they all died then continued with molag by shooting him with the staff and STRAFE.
it becomes stupidly easy that way.
Good idea; they were definitely unforgiving.. :PNasuradin_ESO wrote: »hood3311_ESO wrote: »P.S. Those huge fire-balls that Molog throws when you're making your way to him are a pain. Sometimes they seemed like homing missiles, insta-killing me about 10 times as I hopelessly tried to run and jump out of the way.
You know, I survived one of those once when I popped into mist form when it hit, I don't know if I was just lucky or not, I tried not to make a habit of being in them.