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Fel Hide, maybe I was too spoiled

I think we need more Fel Hide scrapes. Cloth crafting medium armor from 1-44 was a blast. I would always find enough leather in every zone to craft multiple sets of armor using all of my motifs every 2 levels. I loved seeing all the different style armor sets each level.

And then I hit level 46 and it all went downhill with fel hide. I reached Coldharbor at 45 hoping to gather enough fel hide for my lvl 46 set, but I only managed maybe 10 pieces from deconstruction and drops, so I am still wearing my lvl 44 set.

I just hit level 48 and I do have enough fel hide now to create almost 1 set of armor using only 1 motif. But considering it took this long to collect the hide, I am probably better off saving it for when I hit lvl 50.

I guess I got spoiled being able to create my set gear every 2 levels with enough leather leftover to create sets with my other motifs to see how the different styles looked. I am kinda bummed that I won't be able to see fel hide sets with my other motifs.

Edited by orablast on April 24, 2014 8:37PM
Guild Master of Thornblade
Daggerfall Covenant
  • ArgonianAssassin
    Yeah leather seems to be a lot more rare and hard to come by than ores and fibrous plants, in fact I leveled up my clothing and blacksmithing more from deconstructing everything I've found that I didn't need for researching. I found the best source for top grain hide scraps and iron hide actually comes from mud crabs on betnikh, during veteran rank 1 as ep, anyways.
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • Tuerai
    I have also found mudcrabs to be a surprisingly decent source of leather.
    "We were undone because of you. Every day, every day, in the dark, in the dawn, forever, r-r-rip, r-r-rip, r-r-rub, r-r-rub, right in our faces, because of you."
  • PointMaid
    Those who wish to wear and/or craft their leather armor are at a distinct disadvantage. I have run across enough mining and cloth nodes while questing to outfit an army or mages and tanks, but leather drops just don't occur in a timely manner as you level. I had to skip quests and go to the next zones to farm mats at 26 and 36. That wasn't so bad, but 46 is definitely giving me issues...

    Coldharbour has no good source of fel hide scraps. Mudcrabs don't seem to exist there, and clannifers and imps drop thick leather scraps. I don't like PvP at all, so I have no idea where or when I might even possibly get enough mats to outfit my character at this point. (Suggestions would be awesome!)

    It seems to me that "nodes" (NPC's) for leather should drop mats from the next zone, just like ebon thread occasionally drops from spider silk nodes and ebony ore occasionally drops from dwarven ore nodes.

    Roughly 1/3 of players will be facing the same dilemma at some point. How about fixing this, and evening the score, devs?
  • Keiffo
    The solution to this problem is to go to the public dungeon in your current area and farm the groups of mobs there. You get medium drops a lot, plenty to break down and build anything you want.

    I remember the public dungeon in Coldharbour, if you are still there, that dungeon is perfect for collecting the Fel Hide.

    Although I have to say, I ended up with about 400 nightwood, 280 voidstone by the time I had only 100 shadowhide.

    Some of that was probably from node harvesting though, I forget. :open_mouth:
    Edited by Keiffo on May 1, 2014 7:03PM
  • Targanwolf
    I just hit 46 and have spent a day in...Cyrodiil and Cold Harbor trying to find what drops Fell Hides. Fell Hides. I'm wearing level 42 I crafted thinking I would get new at 46(sigh) . Well I'll make a new set of 44 crafted and forget about leather crafting till 50+.

    Why would you a developer put such a hole in leather crafting progression ?
  • Syntse
    I farmed clanfears and netches in coldharbor for fel hide so it is there. Just coldharbor is somewhat smaller area than the other zones and maybe few less mobs around too.
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  • Lupinemw
    Yeah leather seems to be a lot more rare and hard to come by than ores and fibrous plants, in fact I leveled up my clothing and blacksmithing more from deconstructing everything I've found that I didn't need for researching. I found the best source for top grain hide scraps and iron hide actually comes from mud crabs on betnikh, during veteran rank 1 as ep, anyways.

    Not once you hit the Vet areas. Loads of public dungeons where farming goes on all the time. I can do crows for an hour and walk away with 500+ Iron Hides to refine.
    EU Casual Mature Daggerfall Covenant Guild

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  • sonix2003b16_ESO
    A similar problem exists for "filtered water" (needed to create lvl 40 potions). Coldharbour lakes and rivers do not have the water nodes that zones in Nirn have. The zones before entering cold harbour only have water nodes to craft lvl 30 pots. I only found some lvl 40 water nodes in cyrodil. I think before they pushed the mobs in Cyrodil to VR5 you could get fell hides from certain animal NPCs in Cyrodil.

    If I remember correctly there are some harpy like mobs in Blackheart Haven that are dropping fell hides.
  • Gizzarduk
    I seem to remember having to farm netches for this, but it did take a long time as there aren't that many and they don't always drop the hide.
  • Greg
    i got 29 fell hide scraps from my blackheart Haven run yesterday
  • Soloeus
    Mudcrabs, Wolves, Bears... Just be in the right part of the zone and make sure the level of the monster.

    Within; Without.
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    orablast wrote: »
    I think we need more Fel Hide scrapes. Cloth crafting medium armor from 1-44 was a blast. I would always find enough leather in every zone to craft multiple sets of armor using all of my motifs every 2 levels. I loved seeing all the different style armor sets each level.

    And then I hit level 46 and it all went downhill with fel hide. I reached Coldharbor at 45 hoping to gather enough fel hide for my lvl 46 set, but I only managed maybe 10 pieces from deconstruction and drops, so I am still wearing my lvl 44 set.

    I just hit level 48 and I do have enough fel hide now to create almost 1 set of armor using only 1 motif. But considering it took this long to collect the hide, I am probably better off saving it for when I hit lvl 50.

    I guess I got spoiled being able to create my set gear every 2 levels with enough leather leftover to create sets with my other motifs to see how the different styles looked. I am kinda bummed that I won't be able to see fel hide sets with my other motifs.

    you will be brimming with matts in vet. they use the same ones for multiple zones so all drops and nodes get you the same thing. you should have enough
  • PointMaid
    Eventually you get your fel hide, but well after you first needed it for your level as you are questing in Nirn. All other leathers start dropping well before you really need them, and fel hide is the only crafting mat I've seen which doesn't.

    The point is that it does not drop in level appropriate zones. Of course you can go farm it elsewhere.
  • Scaraben
    You can get fell hides from Clannfear, just make sure that they are lvl 46 or above. I'm already to lvl 48 in Coldharbour and only have enough mats for two pieces of medium armor. Brutal.
  • The_Death_Princess
    This is due to the shortened 46/48/50 fell hide tree. Mobs in AD were 47 before dropped. They are also in short supply, crocs, clans, scamps, and thats about all I remember when I farmed.

    Since these levels are blown through to VR, you have to make a conscious effort to farm them in 2 zones.

    Note to clarify: Those mobs are at level in Reapers and Cyrodil... but again most anybody is probably 50 by they time they get to the 47 mobs
    Edited by The_Death_Princess on June 30, 2014 11:06PM
    Astaria Dødfurstinna
    Official Hunter Community Lead DAOC
    (Pendragon Beta through Catacombs release)
    Look at this but dont QQ:
  • Sasky
    The iron and topgrain hide are easy to get since you have most of your second zone's territory of mudcrabs. Superb is hard because apparently it doesn't come through hirelings.

    I had an odd bug with shadowhide (v9-12). I'd go kill some v10 lions when I was still v8 and they'd drop superb hide (v7-v8). As soon as I hit v9 though, the same lions would drop shadowhide.

    The whole rate for gathering hide is slightly bogus. You get 3-4 mats per node for light or medium where you just walk up and interact with it. For medium, you get 1 maybe half the time after having to kill the thing.
    Sasky (Zaniira, Daggerfall Covenant)
    Addons: AutoInvite, CyrHUD, Others
  • Cody
    generally, i buy all my leather
  • Sharee
    Sasky wrote: »
    I had an odd bug with shadowhide (v9-12). I'd go kill some v10 lions when I was still v8 and they'd drop superb hide (v7-v8). As soon as I hit v9 though, the same lions would drop shadowhide.

    I don't think it's a bug. Its the loot drop system at work. I am currently vet6, but i am halfway through shadowfen which is a vet8 area. The drops i get from the vet8 mobs there are all vet6, not vet8.

    The game simply adjusts the loot to your level. Which in case of hide means changing to a different(higher) type when your vet rank increases past certain threshold.

  • Appleblade
    For the filtered water, do a lot of thieving in Reapers March. I've found lots of filtered water in backpacks and urns. In Rawl'Kah (sp?) hit the second floor of the inn and the Mages guild for about two dozen easy stealing containers. You'll make a nice sum from stolen goods and should find some filtered waters.

    Agree on the fell hide, though. Just got to Coldharbor myself. Managed to make a level 46 jack after three quests. They just need to make it so any leather animal always drops at least one scrap, just like any other node. It's really disheartening to kill seven alligators in a row and get just a foul hide. And bigger animal should drop more scraps.

    Dragon Age was the same way. Animal kills, needed for crafting materials, would often drop nothing. What, is the idea that I'm destroying the animal so completely there's no salvageable hide? It's just stupid to have it so different from the light and heavy nodes.

    Yeah, my next character is going to be a heavy armor battle Mage. :-P
  • Jayne_Doe
    I agree that the leather loot tables are off from the others, as you can start to find ore and cloth nodes for the next tier in the same zone as the current tier, just fewer of them.

    And Coldharbour is particularly difficult since there aren't easy sources such as mudcrabs to farm.

    However, while I would agree that the drop rate from animals should be higher, it shouldn't be 100% because monsters spawn more quickly than harvest nodes. You can go to a public dungeon and harvest hide for hours and get far more than you would running a circuit for harvest nodes - they just don't spawn as quickly. And, you can farm hide with others, as long as you all get in on the kill, but only one player can get items from a harvest node.

    Oh...and here's a tip for filtered water. Loot the Hollow City - all of the containers there are not owned, so you can loot freely.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on August 5, 2015 8:10PM
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