Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Does veteran leveling irk anyone else?

  • coreserv
    I just hit VR1, and got space warped to a different faction, because if I want to level my character, I HAVE to do other faction quests (ends the re-playability, or re-rolling another toon) I suppose I could reroll another class but again seeing the same stuff over, whether its as a newb in that faction or forced into that faction in VR. This seems oddly different from everything the devs promoted on "play the game your way." which I did from 1-50 and loved it. VR is a totally different smack in the rump.

    However, they left the "here is what happens to get to endgame" in any of there information prior to launch.

    Also, I am a bit miffed that after the ultimate goal of facing the dreaded Molag Bal was over, I felt very disappointed. Why? there was no pizzazz, no umph , not even a awesome cutscene, just a walk to cadwell and a go here try this?? It seems very sloppy and Underwhelming, I Love cutscenes, that's just me and my opinion. After I "sorta" killed Molag Bal I was seriously expecting some fanfare, and I got a goof with a pan on his head (no offense to John Cleese). And was told No one will remember what you did......HUH!!!

    I desperately want this game to succeed, I am tired of trying to find that MMO that I will play for years to come. Maybe they have run there course, I honestly dont know the answer, but rehashing content is not it. I want to Love this game as much as I loved levelling 1-50. Just my long winded 2 cents.
    >:) Ceridian- High Elf - Sorcerer
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    The game is not the problem. It just needs some tweaks and adds.
    If they can implement 50% of what people discuss in forums the game will turn out great very quickly
    Remember its only the 1st month and most of updates are bugg related that for me is the most important thing to resolve . After lets hope they get more stuff on.
    I mean a pay game should have more updates / fixes / adds than a FTP
    They probably have guys that only read forums day a day
  • Xaei
    I think after looking at reviews and the forums, we can safely conclude that veteran content is something cancerous to the game and should be either removed or altered ASAP.
  • harnessedyeti9
    Once again, Yes it irks me. Yes ZoS should make it VR1 or better yet scale to whatever your group is. I don't care about the time involved.


    Craglorn should have been the first alternate leveling zone for
    Vet ranks. Period.
  • jmoore59
    Vet Ranks, should of been a world skill line that you can slowly level up. Maybe vet lvls unlocks new armor sets; differnt bonues/looks ect. but the Gear "cap" should of been at level 50. That way you hit 50 you can start putting together your gear pvp ect or at least justify upgrading your gear. If you want vet levels you can slowly work on it but its not something you HAVE to do.

    I did not want to do the other faction quests on my main, like others have said i would of saved those for my alts.

    Add to the fact I thought about leveling up a alt to try another class but after hitting vet levels its not going to happen. I cannot make myself go through the vet grind again just to gear out a alt to pvp.

    Hell probably the biggest problem is they fool you into thinking 50 is the level cap because vet levels sounds like something else kinda like Master lvls in DAOC. Which would of been great.
  • harnessedyeti9
    Agree with last poster. Veteran Ranks are a great idea in theory. Don't think anyone wants them thrown out totally, just tweaked with what gives xp, and oh yeah, having more content would be great!
  • brakkiab14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry to bump this, but I am VR1 and just finished the first area I went to in the Ebonheart area. I finished all the quests and am ready to move to the next area, but it is VR2 and I am only half way through VR1. So do I have to go and kill 20 million mobs to get to VR2? I tried the VR2 area, but if I get multiple adds, I get torn apart so no way I would be able to take a boss. Is this the grind? I have no problem grinding on quests, but just killing mobs will make this game boring very quickly. Love the game up to this point. Thanks for any productive suggestions.
  • smokes
    Craglorn should have been the first alternate leveling zone for
    Vet ranks. Period.

    i'd agree twice if i could

    in retrospect, locking out vet levels/other factions until craglorn released would probably have been a much better strategy.

    but the damage is now done and it's unlikely zenimax will do a VR rollback
    Edited by smokes on May 21, 2014 11:21PM
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