Destruction Staff Nightblade questions (leveling, pvp, etc)

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So I had my mind set on leveling up a Nightblade as Destruction Staff so I can skip most of the annoying quests and level up as fast as possible through AoE mob grinding. Is this viable? Will I be at a significant disadvantage because I miss out on skill credit quests?

My plan was to get to 50+ and then completely switch out of Destruction Staff into Bow/2h, Bow/DW, or Bow/Sword+Shield. Could this actually work or would I be severely gimping myself spending all that time using Destruction Staff while leveling instead of the skills I want to use for end game?

I decided to make this post because of all the NB complaints in general that I read about with regards to PvP. I'm not far so I can still reroll if need be.

I also rolled Khajit which I'm sure isn't ideal for Destruction Staff. I chose it because of my original plan to switch out of Destruction Staff into the previous mentioned skills.

I don't like grinding so I wanted to make one character to stick with. I wanted to be sure I didn't gimp myself and spend days of /played time to find that out, hence the post. Hit me with the truth while I can still reroll instead of rage quitting the game entirely, lol.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide details of their experience.
Edited by kgrizzle on April 24, 2014 10:16AM
  • zamiel
    If quests are annoying you I think you should find another game.

    Destruction staff NB is pretty easy to level pve, due to great CC, AoE and sustain. However your single target dps is extremely low, so for pvp I suggest you avoid 1v1 confrontations and rather play AvA where AoEs matter.

    You will need to reset your stats once. It's not a huge investment at 4900 gp. I suggest during leveling you put all points in magicka and at vet1 you reset your attributes and put everything in health. Then you can make a magicka infused gear and a stamina infused gear depending on what kind of weapon you want to level. I would also suggest making a full health infused gear, for tanking.

    I don't think race matters too much - for pve any race is viable, for pvp, well, if shield bash gets crits from weapons then khajiit is awesome.
    Edited by zamiel on April 24, 2014 11:20AM
  • jambam817_ESO
    I liked my Breton Destro Light Armor Siphon Nightblade caster. But, they are SQUISHY, and unless you spec mostly Destruction staff spells, you wont have a lot of significant AoEs or single target damage. @zamiel‌ was right. I ended up respeccing to a Nightblade Heavy Armor 1h+Shield/2h tank with siphon and assassination skills. I like it a lot more, much more survivability, better single target dps, and i can tank dungeons whee!!!
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