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Power bash + deadly bash

Finally got my s&b to level 38. Figured I'll get dat dere power bash and rock everyone with teh op bash. Put two points into deadly bash to double dps and halve the cost.

No change.

Power bash still costs 215 stam and does piddly little damage. No change in tooltip when I put the points in deadly bash, no change when I tried it on a mob.

Is it because my bash is only level 1 atm? Does deadly bash only come into effect at level 2-3-4? I thought the dps/cost should change as soon as the points went into deadly bash...?
  • ZiRM
    I haven't spent the point to get it yet, interested on hearing some opinions also.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Acoal
    Soul Shriven
    It's another case of "bad" tooltips.
    Deadly Bash only affects your regular Bash (left click while blocking).
  • icanhazfacemelt
    Thanks for clearing that up.
    So ... what's this op bash ability everyone is complaining about? Because the left click bash is a huge stamina drain. It's good for occasional interrupts but if I start spamming if, I'll soon run out of stamina to do anything else.
    Also that crap low dps, high stamina skill 'power bash' is the top tier skill for s&b? Cmon! It's useless. It would make sense if deadly bash bumps it. Then it would actually work like a tier 5 skill!
    Edited by icanhazfacemelt on April 24, 2014 10:00AM
  • Aaren
    What people are calling OP is the normal bash/interrupt. With the passives, it comes out to decent dps, but you are going to waste a ton of stamina so you can't use it in every case. Use it with a neck with bash damage on it, and you will see single mobs melt pretty fast. Using it in large AoE situations isn't terribly helpful unless you are quickly taking care of a dangerous caster.

    The active skill power bash is amazing CC though. 10 seconds (in PvE) is enough to regen on quest bosses, or to take one person in a pack out of the fight.
  • Andy22
    In PvE u use 3x bash cost reduction enchants and sta regen drinks, if u are a templar add the sta regen buff. This will allow u to bash 10-30 times in a row without running out of stamina, while doing good DPS. Try the same with any other sta based skill and u notice why its so popular.

    If u like destro staff, u go with ae "impulse" spam.
    Edited by Andy22 on April 24, 2014 1:05PM
  • RagnarSS
    They really should have cleared up what deadly bash is applicable too. I also thought it would work with power bash and even invasion as with both skills you erm bash with the shield. If they had said it was just for interrupting then I imagine alot of people wouldn't have taken it....well maybe before they nerfed it but it seems it is an utterly pointless passive now.
  • Travail
    RagnarSS wrote: »
    They really should have cleared up what deadly bash is applicable too. I also thought it would work with power bash and even invasion as with both skills you erm bash with the shield. If they had said it was just for interrupting then I imagine alot of people wouldn't have taken it....well maybe before they nerfed it but it seems it is an utterly pointless passive now.

    They changed the damage of bash in the latest patch (1.1.2) and refunded everyone the points they spent on Deadly Bash. You should now be free to spend those points elsewhere, if you don't like the passive.

    Just FYI, this used to be the best use of 2 skill points in the entire game, because Bash was absolutely amazing (best single-target damage in the game, and super-cheap once you built for it.) Shame you didn't get a taste of the craziness that was Deadly Bash before they nerfed it.

    Edited by Travail on May 23, 2014 9:41AM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Travail wrote: »
    RagnarSS wrote: »
    They really should have cleared up what deadly bash is applicable too. I also thought it would work with power bash and even invasion as with both skills you erm bash with the shield. If they had said it was just for interrupting then I imagine alot of people wouldn't have taken it....well maybe before they nerfed it but it seems it is an utterly pointless passive now.

    They changed the damage of bash in the latest patch (1.1.2) and refunded everyone the points they spent on Deadly Bash. You should now be free to spend those points elsewhere, if you don't like the passive.

    Just FYI, this used to be the best use of 2 skill points in the entire game, because Bash was absolutely amazing (best single-target damage in the game, and super-cheap once you built for it.) Shame you didn't get a taste of the craziness that was Deadly Bash before they nerfed it.


    This is correct , it was nerfed and is not producing the numbers it used too. Unfortunately Zos did nothing to help any of the melee skills at all . Everyone run out respec for Destro/resto staffs and light armor.
    And can we get another DK is overpowered thread today as well we really need another.
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