There's plenty of discussions about Auction Houses going on. I am pro AH, but there are a couple things I would like to see as a compromise to not having an AH. No, guild stores is not one of them. Personally, I think guild stores is a joke for a multitude of reasons. Call me spoiled, but I hate having to compete with spammers trying to advertise items in zone chat, and I know I'm not the only one who feels the same.
1) Let us hire or skill into a personal vendor.
We can train hirelings to gather crafting resources for us. In Skyrim, our spouses maintained stores. So why can we not do something in between these two concepts? Perhaps we could hire a NPC to sell items on our behalf, or once we get our hireling trained up high enough, it can then start selling items.
2) Allow us to place private stalls.
There were a lot of MMOs in the past that did not have an Auction House system, but those games generally had a private shop system in its place. I see little reason to not have a method of putting down a personal stall to vendor items. The only draw back is the fact that this game has a horrific channel/phasing system that forces people into certain phases with no choice to phase to a new "instance".