Hello and thank you for checking out this post. A short introduction might be in order

My girlfriend, brother and myself are looking for a PVE guild.
My girlfriend and myself are 27 years of age and my brother is 21. Our other brother is also playing the game, but he spends a lot of time on his education so he have chosen not to raid in this game... poor guy.
We live in Denmark close to the german border and thus have english as our second language, but we are all comfortable with using any kind of voicecom.
We are all looking for a guild we can join together, to do Dungeons and Trials with. We are specifically looking for a balanced guild that is dedicated to the game and getting the trials running, but who also aknowledge that there is a world outside the game. So a guild that demands players to be ready to raid 24/7 is not for us. 2-3 evenings per week however would be something we are interested in.
For us a guild should be almost like a second family in cyber space, as such we like to socialize and share a good laugh.
Now you know what kind of guild we are looking for, it's time to tell you what we can bring to your guild.
We have all been playing WoW extencively. Other games worth mentioning where we have dedicated a lot of time, would be Lotro and Swtor.
We also gave Rift a go but it simply was too pretty and it got kindda stale.
Combined we offer almost 20 years of MMO experience playing varied roles and we have raided most of the time in those games.
Personally I have also played every elder scrolls game extencively since Morrowind, which to this day, is a game that is very dear to me.
My girlfriend have been playing as a healer the past two years, Paladin healer in wow and a sorc healer in Swtor. So when we got a beta key in January she rolled a templar almost instant.
My brother have mainly been playing as a dps, but since he most of the time have played classes that where kinda jack of all trades, he has often had to heal or tank. My brother is playing a DK as melee dps.
I have been tanking since forever. Even when my mains from time to time have been a dps or healer. I have always had to have a tank at the ready since it is one of the tings I enjoy doing the most in almost any mmo. I am currently plating a DK tank but considering a nightblade dps.
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from anyone interested, my in-game name is Heimgaard and you are very welcome to contact me.
See you on the battlefields of Tamriel.