jparrillab16_ESO wrote: »Lag, op skills, bugs, no rewards in pvp, boring and repetitive cirodiil, zerg vs zerg, etc.
They have a large list of actions to do.
And yet they chose to do nothing.
How do you know that?? Do you have some inside information that we don't?? Perhaps trying to balance all these classes/weapon lines/vamp/ww is far more complex than just saying,"DK/Sorc+Vamp = OP, so lets just -1 to mist form." Although I would say that it would go a LONG way for them to communicate with us a LOT more than they have(which is no communication), you can't say that they aren't working on it....or at the very least looking into it.
You can get the compass to move again by opening the map and putting a custom destination down. The lag is getting worse every day and since the patch yesterday now everyone stands still for five minutes before I'm chucked. Lag ain't the word.
How do you know that?? Do you have some inside information that we don't?? Perhaps trying to balance all these classes/weapon lines/vamp/ww is far more complex than just saying,"DK/Sorc+Vamp = OP, so lets just -1 to mist form." Although I would say that it would go a LONG way for them to communicate with us a LOT more than they have(which is no communication), you can't say that they aren't working on it....or at the very least looking into it.
The lag has been around since stress test beta. It was terrible then, borderline playable, and has devolved into a complete mess.
Honestly I am so pissed off that I wasted my time in beta for nothing. I was happy to play not for me but for helping to make the game better. I put in a lot of hours knowing that everything would be wiped when game went live. It was as if they didn't even really care about all the bug reports put in at that time.
The survey after each weekend was a joke. 90% of the questions wanted to know how much crafting I did. Crafting? Seriously... your asking me how crafting went on a stress test weekend? Go ask your PTS testers about crafting, you should be asking me how my experience in lag land pvp went and what I thought of all the bugged out quests due to instancing and player stress.
The lag is most likely from the Megaserver. I REALLY think they need to at least split up the servers into 2 areas, at least in the US cause it's an easier prospect to do than compared with the EU. Just have an East Coast and West Coast server. Bet that would bring down the lag by a LOT!
ESO is like a beautiful member of the opposite sex, whom you're really, REALLY, enjoying fooling around with... when, suddenly,... STAB, "ow! what was that for"!?!?! STAB STAB, "jesus would you please stop doing that"!?!?!
Us, "Holy @#$%!, ESO! Everything was going so damn fine until you stabbed me with that tack! Why'd you do it!?"
ESO, "Don't worry, Honey. I'll let you have another five get togethers free, before you have to take me out again..."
You, "I don't know..."
ESO, "Come on, Sugar! Look at my silky graphics...:
Us, "Well, your graphics are pretty sexy... and those curvy crafting tables are..."
ESO, "..C'mon..."
Us, "..idk... that tack hurt pretty badly..."
ESO, "c'mon..."
Us, "..well..."
ESO, "cuummmmmonnnnnn"
Us, "o k"