Hello there!
I want some opinions about my build if you are willing to give me some.

Here is the
esohead skills calculator.
It is a dual-wield and resto staff dark elf dragon knight.
5 pieces of light armor and 2 of heavy armor.
A clear majority of attributes in magicka and a few in health.
Main abilities while dual-wielding will be unstable flame(abilities #3 in build) and sea of flames (#5). All spells do fire damage except the first two and #4 which does not deal damage at all. The morph of Stone Giant (#1) add some armor to compensate for my light armor.
I also have a question about the last passive of Ardent Flame (World in Flame), does it increase the damage of Sea of Flames and the ultimage of the Mage Guild?
The only difficulty I have right now is to deal with creatures that are immune to bleeding (my only dual-wielding ability doesn't heal me then). They need to be 3-4 to be a problem.
I'm currently level 35. So i don't have the spells of the mage guild and sea of flames.
Thanks for any feedback or suggestion!