Greetings, Khajiit,
With Tamriel in turmoil and rumors of The Mane gone missing and presumed dead, this one, Rid-t'harr ri'Datta has announced he will seek unification of all Khajiit under one banner; their own.
While this one holds allegiance to his home land, to the Dominion, he seeks the well being of all Khajiit across Tamriel.
This one takes up the responsibilities of The Mane and shall lead the Khajiit through these dark times.
Rid-t'harr ri'Datta
Greetings and welcome to The Pride of Ahnurr!
About Us:
We are a PVE/RP Guild [Khajiit Only] and our focus is enjoying the game, helping your fellow Khajiit succeed in their adventure, and roleplaying both in-game and on ourboard. We are a casual group and ask that everyone respect one another and have fun! Our current leader, Mane Rid-t'har ri'Datta, is looking for help to grow the Pride and appoint a few Clan Mothers to help disseminate duties. While we are primarily PVE/RP, a foray into Cyrodill is not out of the question!
We are located on the NA Megaserver and are loyal to the Dominion! We have not chosen a PVP campaign at this time.
While RP in-game is totally acceptable, we offer our Guild Board as a place to really delve into some serious RP!
We are a young guild that is just opening up to the public today, so come by and say, "Greetings!"
How to Join:
Joining is very simple! As Guildmaster (The Mane), you can post your @ handle here and I will add you in-game when I log on next!
Remember, we are a Khajiit only guild, so you must have a Khajiit in the Dominion in order to join or be planing to make one!
You may also visit our RP board and submit a character application form! Once accepted, you will receive an email and your board id will be activated, and our RP boards will be open to you!
RP Board:
If you have any questions, pleasepleaseplease let me know! I've been working on this for a while now and have been super immersed in it, so if something doesn't make sense or I didn't explain something clearly, I won't know unless you tell me XD