Immortal Legion
Recruitment has resumed, and we are looking for like-minded and skilled individuals to showcase their abilities to join the solidified ranks of Immortal Legion. As the scope of ESO is expansive, our leadership has developed a crew based system to compartmentalize the guild into dedicated teams, and this is where you fit in. Are you a hardcore min/maxer looking to dominate in the realm of PVE, pushing for first run raid completions or unique recipes and armors the game has never seen? Or are you a ravenous PVPer, bent on destruction under a rigid and organized banner?
Our PVE division of Immortal Legion has set out to be the best ESO will see. We will be striving for all number one ranks with dedicated set teams who can integrate and manipulate their tactics organically. The leaderboards will be our wall of fame, and we will stop at nothing to ensure total success. Bring your A-game, your extensive experience in PVE raid content and your thick skin to the conversation, and try out today.
Our PVP division of Immortal Legion has already pushed the boundaries of Cyrodiil on a daily basis, and will continue to dominate whichever realm we enter. Each division is independently ran, which eliminates the need for a zerg mentality. Roles are set up within the team, such as our scouts, scroll tanks and designated support teams with siege weapon experience. This allows our PVP division to run smoothly and dominate, no matter what the odds. So far, we have seen amazing success with this model, something we plan to continue to evolve and develop as time goes on.
Lastly, our market division is now starting up. This will be our area in which our end-game crafters and PVE team will place their hard-earned goods on an open market for all to see, once our keep is acquired. The bounty is endless with the ability for us to not only turn a profit, but assist the outsiders within the Aldmeri Dominion.
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact the following people in game, or visit us at our
Guild Website.
@Nasar – Guild Leader
@Diarden1 – PVE Raid Leader
@Kyo5685 – PVE Raid Leader
@Ytea – PVP Officer
@Mattjitsu– PVP Officer
@Add1ct3d - Marketing Lead
Edited by Nasar on May 5, 2014 7:06PM