Raise virtual memory

Soul Shriven
Hey Guyz and Galz!!! Found a new fix for lag problems especially in pvp. Try raising your virtual memory found in control panel/system/performance/advanced tab (for windows 7)/virtual memory. And raise it to at least 50gb min and 100gb max if you can. This has put an end to my lag and now my graphics almost work too well and will have to raise my graphics settings. Hope this helps a lot. edit. sorry (they go by megabytes so enter 50000mb min and 100000mb max).
Edited by Nummbie on April 22, 2014 5:11AM
  • Sakiri
    Dont have the hdd space for that.

    I have 8gb page file and its not being used much.
  • Nummbie
    Soul Shriven
    Yes srry you don't have to add that much or you can add even more, but i dont see the point to adding more to that.
    Edited by Nummbie on April 22, 2014 12:15PM
  • Dalexx
    Do you not have a lot of ram in your system? If raising your pagefile helps performance, that's normally a pretty clear indicator that you need more ram. I myself have 8GB of ram and I've for years now only run a 512MB or 1024MB pagefile. I've not come across an environment yet in which that caused an issue.

    Normally if you're hitting the pagefile that much it causes small stuttering in the game, as the game needs to swap data in and out of that pagefile more.
  • wrlifeboil
    100 gigs for virtual memory?! No way.
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