Since the game does not provide me with a keybinding to toggle sprint on and off I made my own using AHK (autohotkey) and literally all it does is toggle shift on and off. Here is the script:
Source := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-=[];'\,./"
State = 0 ; variable used to toggle shift state
Loop, parse, Source
Hotkey $%A_LoopField%, PressKey
if !State ; if state = 0
State++ ; sets state = 1 to turn on
else ; if state = 1
State-- ; sets state = 0 to turn off
if (State = 1 && InStr(Source,SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2))) ; if toggle state on and key exists in source list
Send % "+" SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2) ; send shifted key
Send % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2) ; send unshifted key
I know some scripts in AHK can get you banned because they provide automation, would you guys consider this automation or should I just accept the fact that I will need surgery in a few years on my left pinky because of this game?