My Suggestion for Getting Rid of Bots

I was just sitting here trying to use the downtime constructively and came up with this:

Why not implement a dueling system? Something like this:

If you are invited to duel and don't answer after 1 min, it defaults to "yes" (accepts the duel).

Along with this, you would have to beef up the AFK. A player who /afk would essentially be put in a "pause" mode, unable to duel or kill anything else.

This would allow us to /duel the bots. If it's a real person, they can always decline. if they don't answer then we could get rid of the dungeon bots.

This would allow the player base to police the dungeons (and now overland zones).

  • spawn10459
    or hire more people to just delete and ban their accounts. there not hard to find there just camping every boss in every public dungeon
    Edited by spawn10459 on April 21, 2014 2:02PM
  • Coggage
    They're putting a loot timer (not a spawn timer) on dungeon bosses across all instances. The bots will have nothing to farm until the timer expires.
  • Aett_Thorn
    For the love of God, NO!

    Even with the /afk code put in, I really don't want this. I really don't want people to be able to spam /duel at me without an option to auto-decline. If there's an option to auto-decline, then it won't fix the bot problem.
  • vandewar
    Unfortunately I think the loot timer in dungeons will force the bots out into the overland zones. I already see it happening but it's not as common as the dungeon camping.
  • Krivasran
    Oh yeah. This'll be a great idea. Imagine you're in the middle of doing something when some jack wagon comes along and thinks it'll be a grand idea to duel you while you're not paying attention, and interrupts what you're doing.

    I am not in favor of production of more trolling tools.
    You've mistaken me for someone who cares.
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