SG Elite (Created, 21 April 2014)
Looking For all Singaporean players. I am posting this message reaching out towards my fellow Singapore country men and women that are playing in Ebonheart Pact, North America(NA) server.
I am currently planning to unite all Singaporeans to form a SG guild for both PvP and PvE contents. As of now, i have 3 Veteran Rank members including myself, we are recruiting like minded players to get this guild up and work towards a common goal.
Eso revloves around unity, rewarding teams that are coordinated and well organized, thus teamwork plays a very crucial role in this game, be it PvP or Pve. It is in my best interest that we could get our little community up within a large sea of players. We are a little red dot and there might be just a few of us, but I believe if we unite even as a group of 8-12 players, we could still be a pretty formidable team to be reckoned with.
There really would be numerous benefits just to name a few (1) playing with guild-mates in the same time zone, (2) having people you can trust in game to back you up when u need it, (3) having a community that would share vital in game information like the actual price of an item etc, (4) crafters of different professions that helps one another, (5) having your own personal kopitiam channel to talkcock and have a great time.
Please feel free to send me a friend invite
@Kin8dom if you are from SG Ebonheart NA. Subsiquently, you can post in the 'leave a comment' section, contact me in game via mail, or whisper me if you have any questions and I would gladly answer them to the best of my knowledge. If you do not want to join the guild due to other guild commitments we can still be friends, with me being the hub for all Singapore players. Most importantly enjoy the game! Thank you.
Side note: we might pool people from Oceanic/Asian region if we cannot get our numbers up by the next 2 weeks.
In game contact :
Edited by Kin8dom on April 21, 2014 12:57PM