Conflicting emotions as a Dark Elf.

My passive gives me +15% skill gain with duel wielding, but I also do more fire damage. I'm playing as a templar, what sort of weapons should I be using?
  • Drekor
    the exp gain is garbage don't pay attention to it. Use what what fits with your build. Myself personally rock a destruction and restoration staff on my Templar.
  • Gaudrath
    Dual flaming swords?
  • Dekkameron
    Does the racial talent effect the glyphs on weapons? I would think probably not.
    I guess if you want to maximise your +fire damage a destruction (fire) staff and using lots of your firey templar skills.
    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • Sorpaijen_ESO
    My dark elf dragonknight has plenty of fire powers which are likely affected. As noted, I'm not sure flaming weapons are affected.... I also have an armor set (Ash something) that has a chance to make her breathe fire on melee attacks, and as a dual wielder, I attack a LOT and the effect seems to trigger quite often. Not sure if THAT is affected, either.
  • JoxerHD
    The % gain with dual wield is a garbage skill, it just means you will hit 50 dual wield 2-4 levels before other people, big whoop.
    Just play what you want and think is cool :)
  • Gaudrath
    JoxerHD wrote: »
    The % gain with dual wield is a garbage skill, it just means you will hit 50 dual wield 2-4 levels before other people, big whoop.
    Just play what you want and think is cool :)

    This. If i can play a High Elf dual daggers templar and do just fine, you can play a Dunmer templar with two flaming swords. Racials are not that important. Play what you like.
  • SouthernDiscomfort
    Or (crazy idea) just play whatever style you yourself prefer the most.
    "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here; this is The War Room!"
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Honestly , i found that the weapon i use is not that important being a templar.

    I just focus on magicka and i mostly use my class skills , i do use also armor skills , but weapon skills are a secondary thing to me.

    Of all weapon i tried , the ones i decided to keep are , sword+shield/healing staff.

    The sword+shield gives me more defense , and i lose nothing because of it since i was already pretty much focused on class skills for damage. A charge based on stamina is also a nice perk.

    The healing staff is ... pretty much a must and helps a lot. The simple fact is , we templars have a HUGE mana problem , the healing staff helps a lot with that.

    PS: OP , the 15% exp bonus to a skill line is trully irrelevant , and so is to a point SOME of the other racial perks. BUT there are some racial perks that do matter, if that is a problem to you i suggest you check the racial bonus again.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 23, 2014 9:02AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Sleepydan
    Dunmer passive increases all fire, including weapon enchantments. So says another thread somewhere.

    I'm not sure if dual wielding or 2h with arcane fighter would be more effective for doing enchant damage
  • Niminion
    Yes the fire bonus effects everything that does fire damage, enchants, procs, spells, fire staff basic attacks and skills. The bonus to max stam/magika and fire resist are also very good.
  • Sakiri
    Only thing the weapon xp passive does is let you catch up a second weapon skill quicker.
  • Tootall2186
    Can anyone confirm if the + fire dmg effects are actually working? I respecced and was looking at the skill tips and the fire dmg didn't change from before to after the respec..?
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