250 Steel Ingot, 200 Hide, 80 Iron Ingots. What do I do with them?

I have been gathering these materials as I was leveling and I didn't notice that I have so much of them. I have level 11 Blacksmithing and 12 Clothing, but I just don't know if I should craft items to level up these professions or just sell the material for gold. I don't really need gold right now, I got 10k which pretty sure is gonna get more as I hit max level so money is not an issue. I don't have many improving material either so my questions are, should I just craft everything I can and level up? is it worth it? am I gonna get enough experience or should I just sell them?
  • Beryl
    I would just sell them to any NPC. Unless you have friends who want to use it. Crafting will not give you enough XP, you will get more if you just keep deconstructing items you loot from mobs. Selling to players also will not bring enough profit because every crafter ends up with loads of low level resources.
  • Hypersillyman
    Or you can bank it and have it for alts to use later.
    LFG Fippy Darkpaw. PST.
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