After latest patch here are few bugs i constantly expirience

1. Long loading screens,either dungeons or just loging in min waiting time for me is 2-3 mins,and thats if i am luck and it doenst get stuck in infinite loop of loading
2. Game just stop either pvp or pve mobs or other players just stops and do nothing,happening 98% of the time when im in battle,and i cant quit or log out normal way cause im in combat ,only solution is Alt+F4 ,and it never gets unstuck
3.Reciving ingame mail, i need to wait for at least 30 min os log out - log in few times to recive my ingame mail
4.Whispering players ,when you wright "/tell or /w
@Bla" (whispering by accaunt name)t works most of the times if it finds that accaunt even i know that player is online just that momment,but when i try to wright "/tell or /w Superman" it doesnt work in any way i could think of
5.Materials in world, every crafting material i have skill for spotting them easier 80% of time it only glows/shines and even if it shows that material (wood,iron,flower,water skin etc...) i cant "take it"
6.Attacking mobs , some times 1 out of 3 in group (1 of 3,1 of 4/5) i attack and do nothing and cant kill it,and 90% of time when i use destruction staf skill "destructive clench with fire/flame staff" mobs gets kicked in air and eventually end up in the ground/rock/tree or something else
7.Trying to report "/bug" , i need to wait like 5 mins for that window to open ,so i gived up on doing that

8.Trying to enter any type of dungeon or area with more than 1 daedric summoning (volatile familiar or twilight matriarch) i cant acces it...
9.trying to use "ctrl +v/c" ,like : i copy "bla" ,then press "ctrl+v" it shows up like "
10.Whenever im ingame longer than 45 mins i get message "An error has occurred.Please wait a few minutes and log in again" ,it has became exhausting,and whenever i try to log in ,first i get always 2-3 "Error 201 then 102 trough 104" ,and thats if i may say (little rude from me) stupid to have Error 104 server at max capacity ,im paying for this game and you say that its full and that ill lose my gametime (even for that little free time i have)
11.Whenever im trying to read bookshelfs and in bank in game , i need to press action key ("E") at least 5-6 times to respond
12.When i go ,for example to map or chat ,my cursor change from "aiming" to regular cursor,but when i go out of the chat,it wont change back even if i pressed that key for changing that

1.If i accidentaly send COD to someone with like,to low price,my bad,my mistake,but even with that i would like and oportunity to cancle what i sended
2.It binds to the 1. ,why cant we see our sended ingame mail ,i notticed that when i found somebody i arranged constant traiding of goods,and second day i couldnt (normal for me) remmember their nickname or char name ,so i go to mail,hoping to see sended ones with cod ,and whoops there isnt any....