The last one in the list is the clue. These three quests are there to troll you.
After completing the Hadran's Caravan area, you are able to participate in each of the 3 minigames. In other words, you are now forever allowed to pay 59 gold coins to see the outcome, or run the race again, for nothing at all in return. I was already weary about these, so I decided to do the Spikeball run first, because I knew I would win anyway just as I did during the area quest.
Well, turns out in the end, there was no reward, not even my money back. And to add insult to injury, Bunul gave me the quest again, so it is repeatable.
So here we have 3 quests that
- are repeatable,
- cost money to complete
- yield not even that money in return
- 2 of them even are a just a gamble
And, as someone who wants to complete all the quests in a zone, I cannot even complete them, they just reappear, taunting me with their trollishness.
Please just delete those 3 quests. No one will miss them, and at least in the future no more players will have to part with their coin for literally nothing.
- Bosmer Nightblade Archer -