Ok, so the lfm/lfg system sucks as it is. It's pointless. Unless I'm missing something important, all you do is input your level and region and bang! you're added to someone's group without you oking that.
Devs: choice is important. I want to see which groups are doing what content - and join the ones which I have not done before. It's ridiculous to simply be tossed into someone's group just b/c we're the same level - they're almost guaranteed to be on different content than me.
I've joined up with people and spent 10 minutes figuring out what quests we could do before we simply went our different ways b/c each of us had finished what the other had yet to do.
When you have time, after you address the bots, gold spammers, exploiters and broken quests, if you wouldn't mind, please make the lfm/lfg more useful and usable.
Thank you.
War, give me war, give me war.