EDIT: Never mind. Load times HAVE slowed down as traffic increased tonight but the problem was just getting stuck exiting the Banished Cells into Auridon. Eventually had to kill the game and restart. Nothing else has acted like that tonight.
I've been in game since 3:30 this afternoon (Eastern US) and have watched as times to change zones get slower and slower and slower as more people log in. Now (10:15) I'm trying to exit the big group dungeon in Auridon and get back into the main zone and it's ten minutes at the load screen and counting.
This is the trend on every reasonably busy night for the last, oh, seven to ten days.
[I suppose this should have been in Customer Support instead. If your forum category list was at all useful, I'd have remembered it was there. Feel free to move it. Sorry.]
Edited by columbineb14_ESO on April 19, 2014 2:36AM I have just told you more than I know.