How is XP granted in this game? Some folks seem to be falling behind others say they are outlevelling their quests. Obviously quest xp is a fixed quantity but what about mob kills, and do you get the same xp for a solo kill as a group kill.
If a group effort pays less, is that proportionate to damage done, heals made etc?
I've dinged level 26 with 30 minutes under 3 days /played time. 116 quests completed.
A straw poll in the chat channel indicates i'm the slowest leveller, some players needing half as much time to reach 28.
However there's people a few levels below who've done more quests... so I must have missed something then?
My char is a tank with secondary healing role. I have two dps skills, Ransack, and Soul Shatter (I explode when I die, which doubles my dps output). I was thinking this was the main prob but I seem to have ground a fair bit.... a lot of hours and not many quests for my level already.