at the link first.If you look at where Craglorn will take place, it is going to have a large chunk of northern hammerfell and a small section of northern Cyrodiil (it looks like the colovian highlands). You know what that tells me? The other parts of Cyrodiil will not ever be added to the PvP map. Instead, they will be cut up and put into various adventure zones. That is pretty terrible.
Also, enemies like the 'celestial warrior" and "celestial mage"? REALLY!? How much more generic and *** could you possibly be? Their names are awful, and their armour is downright ugly. Not to mention that they look like enemies from dozens of other games that I have played before.
For *** sake, zenimax! Get creative and get smart! You're going about this whole thing the
Add the rest of cyrodiil to the PvP map. Change your enemy design for those two "celestial" things,
and move craglorn somewhere else. Perhaps southern hammerfell. (it already takes place mostly in northern hammerfell, and the landscape is probably similar down south.)
EDIT: Sorry

I was incorrect. apparently I need to see an eye doctor. however, my criticisms about the enemy design still stand.
Edited by nicholaspingasb16_ESO on April 19, 2014 1:21AM Sanguine's Beta Tester