Has there been any official statement that the EU Megaserver is now in Europe. It was set up in the US and was going to be transferred to Germany at a later date, but has that happened yet?
They are still holding up in the US yes, and I've not heard anything specific when they will do the relocation of the servers. Hopefully when things settle down a bit in terms of the "release period" and what needs to be sorted out, they can go back to working on the transfer.
I've run VPN through the US before and the loss is incredible. I'm certain that when they relocate the servers, drop-outs will be a thing of the past. Just hang in there guys and girls
Don't believe so. Our Old World friends are still suffering.
No suffering here from any problem related to the servers being in America. Ping times are a placebo, much hysteria over nothing.
It's not hysteria. Having been used to 50ms pings or less and now playing this at 150ms the difference is noticeable, and it's just another delay added onto my innate human reaction time delay.
If you are happy with it great, ZOS needs more people like you, but I will not pay a sub fee for a sub-par connection.
If you think ping times are just a placebo, you are quite wrong, according to that logic you may as well have a 500ms ping (you would probably enjoy it I'm sure). Fact is ping can never be low enough.
We were also only told last minute at the last beta (when they allowed us onto the "EU" servers) that they were not being hosted in the EU, after being told we would have an EU hosted server. Very shoddy.
the lags on the eu server for eu players are not at all acceptable!
1 week to subscription ending... dont do anything zeni if you want me to play something else...
They really need to move it soon. Having a server on the other side of the world and slapping an EU tag on it is simply unacceptable.
I had been looking forward to the pvp in this game, so coming into it and finding that it is hands down the most unresponive mmo I have ever played has been a huge disappointment. If something isn't done about the server location I can't see myself playing the game for much longer.
It is horrible !! They should re-locate it asap. Sometimes fighting mobs, I notice the terrible connection and the mobs freeze, 1 second later im dead and while im dead the mobs run away while i did not see them hitting or fighting me.
I am used playing games with a 10 / 50 ms, not with 150/999.
re-locate it asap please.