Okay, so this isn't technically a New Player Question, but I did phrase it cleverly as a question...maybe someone can help me figure out a work around, or we can just agree that this needs to change.
Here's my issue.
I have a rare staff that I'm selling in Zone chat for 200g. Barry O'Sorcerer decides he wants to buy my staff and asks me to send it to him via C.O.D. Happy that I'm able to even find a buyer for my item in the atrocious economic model, I quickly open my email, click compose, attach said item, type in 200g, and click send.
Problem is, I forgot to click the radio button next to C.O.D...
So now, ol' Barry is getting my item and my money. Of course, he doesn't say anything, and it's not until a few hours later that I realize I never got my money for that item. That's when it sinks in. I'm not just giving items away...I'm paying people to take my items.
Now, after this happening 3 or 4 times, I've gotten much, much more careful about it.
But wait. There's more.
My brother and I send materials back and forth for our various crafting professions.
Well, say after I C.O.D'd Barry his new staff, and he paid for it...I decide to send my brother some runes before I log off.
I go to compose, start clicking runes from my inventory, and hit send...as the email is sending, I notice something.
The amount of gold I had placed in the C.O.D. field when I sent Barry his new staff is still filled out. Only now, "Send gold" is selected. That's right, I'm sending my brother 200g along with the items, despite not having interacted with that portion of the mail at all.
So can we at least get this thing to default to 0 on every mail that is sent? And perhaps, would it be possible to somehow better distinguish the C.O.D. section, so that I don't forget to click C.O.D. when I'm sending C.O.D.?
What do others think about this?