So as it stands for an elder scrolls game, in my opinion, this is really good and fun, I love the graphics I love the gorgeous character designs, khajiits are now my favourite race mainly because I love cats

however, there are things in the game that are so annoying it ruins the game experience and my love for the series such as quest bugs, bugs that stop me continuing fourth on my quest, these need fixed now. I don't care about this craglorn stuff at the moment I just want the current game fixed before I can think of new stuff, please bring out patches soon I'm getting desperate because it's stopping from enjoying the series I've loved since Morrowind and it's making me rethink of actually subscribing until the game is up to top notch condition. Game design is brilliant though.
PS4 - CP 300
F/ Khajiit Nightblade - Midnight Quasar
M/ Khajiit Templar - Tribune Lightbringer
M/ Breton Sorcerer - Vengeful Wanderer
M/ Argonian Dragonknight - Blue Slitherscale