Kill log / kill spam

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Hi all,

There was a great "Kill Log" addon in beta until Zenimax messed with the API. Arrgh.

Such an addon which prints "X killed X" while fighting in Cyrodiil would be priceless. There's nothing like coming to really hate your particular enemies by name.

To take it one step further, it would be nice to record such kills (and killed by's) in a book (like in WAR's "Little Black Book"), so I could see a tally of who has my number the most.

Since Zenimax flashes messages in Cyrodiil "You have avenged X's death," isn't there at least some of that data available to addon devs? Sorry, I've no clue what the API is like.

  • Numeriku
    i agree with this, i was planning to make an addon which counts how many kills you have in pvp.
    Legendary Lee / Terror / / Proud member of the Daggerfall Covenant
  • Axer
    There is. Addon devs have access to the achievement data, and pvp kills do give achievements.

    Possibly only up to a certain amount tho (I think 100 or each race?)

    And the also may not be able to tell the name of the player you killed, just the race and class.

    But it's at least possible to print kill messages for those who haven't already scored hundreds and hundreds of pvp kills.

    You can view a spammy log of it going now with teh addon shardwatchs debug settings.. (/shardwatch set debug) - it spews out all achievement data as it gets updated.

    Achievement tracker can also show some of it, tho it's only set to notify you on major milestones (25%/50%/etc) so wouldnt work good for this.
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Hoylegu
    I look forward to any kind of development on this front.
  • BadVolt
    Soul Shriven
    It's easy enought to implement... Just watch combat log and check for victim. If victim == player, then place killer's name to special table.
  • Hoylegu
    BadVolt wrote: »
    It's easy enought to implement... Just watch combat log and check for victim. If victim == player, then place killer's name to special table.

    Sounds easy enough...but I've never scripted in lua, so I'm going to have to rely on my ESO brethren for this one... ;)
  • BadVolt
    Soul Shriven
    Hoylegu wrote: »

    Sounds easy enough...but I've never scripted in lua, so I'm going to have to rely on my ESO brethren for this one... ;)
    It's never too late to start.

    Here are some ufesul functions for you.

    --Log avenge event
    function YourFunction(avengedPlayerName,killedPlayerName)

    --Log your death
    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("YourAddonName", EVENT_UNIT_DEATH_STATE_CHANGED, YourFunction)
    if unitTag~=GetUnitName("player") and isDead then return end
    -- some actions to preform on your dead
    -- looks like you will have to watch for incoming dmg
  • Hoylegu
    Wow, BadVolt, that looks great! I might have to poke around the forums and stickies and find an "AddOn" tutorial, JUST to work with what you posted. Cheers.
  • BadVolt
    Soul Shriven
    You can check EsoUI. There are API to work with and some useful info. Or you can PM me, if you will have any questions. I'l try to help :smile:
  • Hoylegu
    BadVolt wrote: »
    You can check EsoUI. There are API to work with and some useful info. Or you can PM me, if you will have any questions. I'l try to help :smile:

    Much appreciated, thanks.

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