I have a few questions. The first two are about craft-able gear. The first is whether or not the best craft-able gear is trade-able. The second is if whether or not I can have a smith (ie another player) upgrade gear that is already bound to me.
I also have questions about crit. chance. What other ways are there to increase your crit. chance besides the medium armor passives, other class abilities, and crit. chance potions? Is there crit. chance on end game gear?
Is there a database where I can check out end game gear stats?
My last question is about guilds. My main guild will be a PvP guild and I would prefer it to be /g1 but I won't be joining one until I hit 50. I need to join a trade guild now so I can start working on Alchemy and Provisioning. Can I reorder my guilds in the future?
Thank you.